Aviation and Climate Change

Aviation and climate change 
   (See also under Specific Airport-related reports
   for Gatwick climate change data)
Title :  “Aviation and Climate Change Policy in the UK”      NEW !!
Date:   July 2011
Author:  Peter Lockley (of Ubina Environmental Consulting), for AirportWatch
Length:  34 pages
Summary:  A major new report from AirportWatch sets out a sophisticated policy mix of tough measures to control and reduce UK aviation’s growing carbon footprint that endorses the seminal December 2009 Committee on Climate Change report “Meeting the UK Aviation Target”. This report has been produced during the consultation period for the DfT’s aviation Scoping Document, which is the first stage in the process of producing a new UK aviation policy. Among the many actions the report calls for are clear confirmation that absolute UK aviation CO2 emissions to be no higher than 2005 levels in 2050, a total of 37.5 million tonnes (Mt) CO2 (as a minimum requirement) – and that this target should be strengthened by setting interim goals: average UK aviation emissions not to exceed 37.5 MtCO2 in any 5 year period through to 2050.
Link:  Aviation and Climate Change Policy 
   also press release and key points


Title:  Committee on Climate Change, 4th Carbon Budget report




Date:  December 2010


Author:  Committee on Climate Change


Length:    188 pages


Summary:   The Carbon Budget says international aviation and shipping should be included, and it is vital that UK aviation emissions in 2050 are no higher than in 2005.  Also that, as technologies to cut aviation emissions are not readily available, other sectors of the economy will need to cut by 85% in 2050 in order to let aviation grow by 60%.  


Link:  The Fourth Carbon Budget       Also press release and key points







Title:   “Aviation and Climate Change: Public Opinion and the Scope for Action”




Date:   December 2007


Author:  Mark Gill and James Humphreys  at Woodnewton Associates (http://www.woodnewtonassociates.co.uk) for enoughsenough  ( http://www.enoughsenough.org


Length:  24 pages


Summary:  A ‘poll of polls’ study reveals public support for Government action on climate change.  It reveals that a majority of people are willing to change their behaviour to tackle climate change, but expect the Government to take the lead.  The report found that although 78% of people say they would alter their behaviour, 70% expect a lead from the Government.  The report found there is no public appetite for airport expansion.  Only 18% support it.  Indeed, 57% of people support “a policy aimed at slowing down the growth in air travel”. 


Link:    Aviation and Climate Change: Public Opinion and the Scope for Action

Title:  ‘A Dangerous Distraction.   Why offsetting is failing the climate and people:  the evidence’ 
Date:  June 2009
Author: Friends of the Earth, UK.
Length:  32 pages
Summary:  The report exposes carbon offsetting as ineffective and damaging, and was released to mark the launch of FoE’s  Demand Climate Change Campaign for a strong and fair global climate agreement at UN talks – which culminated in Copenhagen in December.  FoE exposes carbon offsetting as a con which fails to reduce, and in some cases is even increases, carbon emissions.  The UK Government was actively promoting the increased use of offsetting at the UN climate talks, including proposing a plan to carbon offset by buying up forests – which will not stop deforestation and will cause significant social harm to the people that rely on them.     FoE press release    2.6.2009

The full report as well as a summary of key facts from the report, is available at http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/briefing_notes/dangerous_distraction.pdf  (Executive Summary on pages 4 and 5).
Title:  “Muslim Green Guide to Reducing Climate Change”
Date:  September 2008
Author:  Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences  (IFEES)
Length:   13 pages
Summary:  The IFEES have produced a guide for green living for Muslims.  Page 9 deals with air travel. 
Title:  “UK Air Passenger Demand and Carbon Dioxide Forecasts 2009”
Date:   January 2009
Author:  DfT
Length:  188 pages
Summary:  The Department for Transport’s 2009 projections for aviation emissions were published in  the document UK Air Passenger Demand and Carbon Dioxide Forecasts.  This report updates UK Air Passenger Demand and CO2 Forecasts 2007 (which is no longer available on the DfT website).
Title: “The future starts here”
Date:  September 2006
Author:  Friends of the Earth and the Tyndall Centre
Length:   4 pages
Summary:    The route to a low carbon economy.   The report shows the UK could move to a successful, low-carbon economy. However, it shows that unless aviation is constrained, the rest of the economy will have to be re-structured to make room for it.
Title: “Predict and Decide” Aviation, climate change and UK policy.
Date:  September 2006
Author:   Dr Sally Cairns and Carey Newson,  Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University
Length:   3.42 Mb   122 pages
Summary:    The Environmental Change Institute, part of Oxford University, published this comprehensive report into the policy questions surrounding aviation and climate change. It confirms almost everything we have been saying about the need to constrain aviation growth.
Title: “Aviation Growth – just how bad is it for the climate?”  – AirportWatch leaflet
Date:   August 2008
Author:  AirportWatch
Length:  2 sides A4
Summary:  Lots of useful facts and figures in an A5 size leaflet


Title: “Aviation in a Low-Carbon EU”
Date:  September 2007
Author:  Tyndall Centre  for Friends of the Earth
Length:   53 pages
Summary:   The Tyndall Centre’s report investigates to what extent EU proposals to include aviation in its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) would help deliver a low-carbon EU future.  The EU plans to include aviation in the EU ETS from 2011 for intra-EU flights, with ALL flights departing from or arriving in the EU included from 2012.




Title:  “Clearing the Air: The Myth and Reality of Aviation and Climate Change”
Date:  (July 2006)
Author:   T & E  – (European Federation for Transport & Environment)

Length:   47 pages
Summary:   The report provides information and analysis on the issue of aviation and climate change coming from policymakers, the media and interested citizens.  It brings together the findings of recent studies in light of the current political debate and discussions taking place about a range of policy options.  (2006)