Munich protest banner drop off the spectacular Stadhaus – “No Third Runway”

Protesters from Plane Stupid Germany have performed a stunning protest against the proposed third runway at Munich airport. They displayed two large vertical banners beside the huge clock, just above the Munich Stadhaus  world-famous Glockenspiel. One banner reads “KOA Dritte” – No Third Runway. The other reads  “Weltstadt”  with a heart, as Munich has as one of its slogans, World City With a Heart. The protest is about runway plans, without a democratic referendum, and that the airport has tried to influence the decision process by contributing about €1 million to the pro-runway campaign.  The new runway would demolish a village, ruin the homes of many people and devastate a huge area. Plane Stupid also fear the contribution to climate change, as the airport is the largest CO2 emitter in Bavaria.


Plane Stupid Germany – press release


Will the capital of Bavaria screw up it’s courage?

Two banners hanging off the marvellous Munich Town Hall  (the world renowned Glockenspiel is just below, out of shot. The left banner says “Koa Dritte” which means “No third” in Bavarian, meaning “no third runway”. The banner on the right says “Weltstadt + Heart?” which refers to Munich’s slogan of being a “Weltstadt mit Herz” – World City with a  heart. ?

On Wednesday the 30th May, the intergenerational activists from Plane Stupid
Germany droped banners from the town hall of Munich in an act of peaceful civil

After about 30 minutes the action was stopped. The police were cooperative
and did not escalate the action. Plane Stupid Germany appealed to the state capital, to
be courageous, to have consideration for all those who will be affected and future generations, to stop the third runway at Munich by holding a referendum.

The Munich airport is the biggest single thread to the climate in Bavaria.

“Out of deep concern of what we have built in our lives, and in deep concern of the world we
will leave to future generations, we have decided to follow the way of civil disobedience,”  Plane Stupid Germany explained. They say: “It is not acceptable that the protection of
property, health and the climate protection written in the Bavarian constitution, are not valid in
Bavaria and it’s capital when it comes to a third runway.”

The people of Munich are currently enduring a tremendous ordeal,  waiting for the Munich runway decision to be made – but without the right to vote on it, especially because so much is at stake and would be sacrificed without demand. Without properly consulting those affected.

But when it was leaked that the airport  is influencing the referendum with a million euros, it
was clear that something had to happen. This led to the adaptation of the successful
methods of activists of

“No one can demand of us that we keep quiet and accept this, when the decision on the airport expansion is being influenced by the airport paying a million euros.  “Even at the referendum of the people the airport manages to marginalize the people,”  Plane Stupid Germany declared, noting  “Munich airport has crossed the Rubicon. This referendum is not a decision of citizens, but demands all virtues of citizenship. We will start resistance, for our home, for the village of Attaching (which would be demolished) and the home of all of us – the climate of the earth.”

The action was taken by about 15 activists. The intergenerational activists from Plane
Stupid Germany are united by the concern for our home, and the Earth’s climate.

There are many photos of the protest at
Florian Sperk,
0176 830 79 549,
florian.sperk @




The €1 million is for the campaign in favor of the 3rd runway in the referendum in Munich City.


PM: Eine Million Euro gegen das Volk


München, 30.3.2012

Eine Million Euro gegen das Volk

MdL Mannfred Pointner (Freie Wähler) hat die bayerische Staatsregierung angefragt, welche Gesellschaften oder Organisationen, an denen auch der Freistaat Bayern beteiligt ist sich beim Bündnis “Pro 3. Startbahn” beteiligen und wie viel Geld sie dafür investieren. Das Staatsministerium der Finanzen erklärt, dass die Flughafen München GmbH bis zu 1 Million Euro in das Pro-Bündnis investieren wird.

Dazu erklären die SprecherIn des Bündnisses München gegen die 3. Startbahn Katharina Schulze, Christian Hierneis und Prof. Michael Piazolo:

“Es ist ein Skandal, dass die FMG keine Zinsen für Darlehen der Stadt und des Landes zahlt, aber sage und schreibe eine Million Euro für die Kampagne zum Bürgerentscheid ausgibt! Uns zeigt die horrende Summe außerdem, dass die FMG wenig Vertrauen in die eigenen Argumente hat. Auch viel Geld kann nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass es keinen Bedarf für eine 3. Startbahn gibt. Die Rollenverteilung für die Mobilisierung zum Bürgerentscheid werden immer deutlicher: Auf der einen Seite die Argumente und das Engagement, auf der anderen Seite viel, viel Geld. Wir sind überzeugt, dass die Münchner Bevölkerung sich davon nicht blenden lässt und die richtige Entscheidung am 17.6. treffen wird.”


Translated (badly, by Google/ Yahoo) into English below:



PM: One million € to the people

Press Release

Munich, 03.30.2012 

One Million Euros against the people

One million euro against the people


MdL Mannfred Pointner (Freie Wähler) has requested the Bavarian Government, which companies or organisations in which the State of Bavaria is involved participate in the Alliance “Pro 3rd runway” and how much money they invest in it. The Ministry of Finance explained that the Flughafen München (Munich Airport) GmbH will invest up to EUR 1 million in the Pro Alliance.


To explain the spokesperson of the Alliance Munich against the 3rd runway Katharina Schulze, Christian Hierneis and Prof. Michael Piazolo:


“It is a scandal that the FMG pays no interest on loans from the city and  the country, but believe it or not, (they are spending) €1 million for the campaign to influence  the citizens’ decision!” The horrendous amount also shows us that the FMG has little faith in the own arguments. Also a lot of money cannot obscure the fact, that there is no need for a 3rd runway. The roles in the mobilisation of the citizen  to vote are becoming increasingly clear: on the one hand, the arguments and the commitment, on the other hand plenty of money. “We are convinced that the Munich population will not be dazzled and they will make the right decision on the 17.6..”