Defra data on NO2 emissions show Heathrow would breach limits by 2030, even with just 2 runways – let alone 3

Defra data showing 50 UK roads with highest nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels suggests the A4 road, that runs along the north border of Heathrow Airport, will still exceed EU air pollution limits by 2030 – even without the addition of a 3rd runway.  The Defra figures (obtained by Clean Air in London by an FoI request) show that, in 2030, after the A501 (Marylebone Road in London) the A4 will be the road with the 2nd highest NO2 concentrations in the UK – with just two runways. A 3rd runway would inevitably lead to an increase in the number of passengers and associated road traffic coming, including freight.  Air pollution is therefore likely to rise, and substantially. Environmental NGO the Aviation Environment Federation (AEF) says a 3rd  runway at Heathrow “now looks impossible” before 2030, due to the projections of the air quality impacts of expansion. And “Questions must be asked about the Airports Commission’s decision not to carry out detailed modelling of the air quality impact of a new runway prior to publishing its final consultation.” Heathrow produced a bland statement about  “managing our environmental responsibilities” which did not address the problem – hoping to persuade passengers not to travel to/from the airport by car. And the air freight?  The UK is currently facing legal action from the European Commission due to its failure to meet EU annual average NO2 limits.

John Stewart, chair of the campaign group HACAN which opposes a new runway, said, “These dramatic figures suggest once again that air pollution could be a show-stopper as far as a third runway in concerned.”


Heathrow expansion bid suffers air pollution blow

20.2.2015  (Air Quality News)

Defra data showing 50 UK roads with highest nitrogen dioxide levels suggests Heathrow road will not meet limits for at least 15 years

The A4 road running along the north border of Heathrow Airport will still exceed EU air pollution limits by 2030 without the addition of a third runway, according to Defra data.

Defra figures reveal that, after the A501 running along the Marylebone Road in London from Paddington to Moorgate, the A4 will be the road with the second highest nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the UK in 2030 if the airport maintains its current capacity of two runways.

Two of the three schemes shortlisted by the Airports Commission would see an expansion of Heathrow Airport

The publication of this NO2 data is a potential blow to Heathrow Airport’s bid to add a third runway, which would likely lead to an increase in passenger numbers and road traffic coming into the airport, with a knock-on effect on local air pollution.

Environmental NGO the Aviation Environment Federation today (February 20) said a third runway at Heathrow “now looks impossible” before 2030 due to the projections of the air quality impacts of expansion.

But, commenting on the Defra figures, a spokesman for Heathrow Airport said: “Heathrow’s expansion will only go ahead within strict environmental limits on noise, local air quality and within the UK’s climate change targets. The expansion of Heathrow relies on managing our environmental responsibilities and working hard on our mitigation strategies.

“Heathrow is committed to playing its part in meeting local air quality limits by incentivising cleaner aircraft and airside vehicles and increasing public transport use by both passengers and employees.”


Released yesterday (February 19) after a Freedom of Information request by campaign group Clean Air in London, the data shows Defra nitrogen dioxide projections for the 50 roads in the UK with the highest NO2 levels up to 2030.

The UK is currently facing legal action from the European Commission regarding its failure to meet EU annual average NO2 limits of 40 ug3 (microgrammes per cubic metre) in London and several other areas of the country.

But, while the data shows the majority of these roads are not expected to comply with the UK and EU annual average NO2 limit by 2030, the figures also reveal considerable reductions are expected on all of the top 50 roads, including the A501.

While average annual NO2 levels on the Heathrow road were monitored as high as 117 ug3 (microgammes per cubic metre) in 2013, this is projected to fall to 96 ug3 this year.

And, by 2030, Defra projects a reduction of NO2 on parts of the A501 to around 48 ug3 – much closer to the national and EU annual average NO2 limit of 40 ug3.

Other roads projected to have the highest NO2 levels in the UK by 2030 include parts of the the A503 (including Seven Sisters Road), A4202 (Park Lane), A102 (Clapton) and the A13 linking London to south Essex.

Outside London, the data reveals that high NO2 levels are forecast for 2030 in breach of EU limits on parts of Birmingham’s A4400 Inner Ring Road and the A40 road running from London to the Welsh coast.


The independent Airports Commission, which is currently considering consultation responses ahead of making its final recommendations this summer, conceded in its November 2014 that it had yet to complete its full detailed modelling of the air quality impacts of each of the three UK airport capacity expansion options.

This prompted criticism from environmental and community groups, including UK-based NGO the Aviation Environment Federation (AEF), which earlier this month slammed the “gaping holes” in the Airports Commission’s air quality analysis (see story).

And, commenting today (February 20) on the NO2 road data released by Defra, AEF deputy director Cait Hewitt reiterated the NGO’s criticism of the Airports Commission.

And, she said: “Air pollution has always had the potential to be a show stopper in Heathrow’s expansion plans.

“The projections published by the government reveal the extent of the air pollution problem around Heathrow between now and 2030 without even building a third runway. It now looks impossible for a third runway to be operational at Heathrow before 2030 – as the Commission proposes – without breaching legal air quality limits.

“Questions must be asked about the Airports Commission’s decision not to carry out detailed modelling of the air quality impact of a new runway prior to publishing its final consultation.”

A4 north of Heathrow

Map showing location of A4, running to the north of Heathrow airport

Heathrow expansion bid suffers air pollution blow

21.2.2015 (HACAN)

 Government figures released yesterday show that air pollution around Heathrow will still exceed the EU air pollution limits by 2030, even without the addition of a third runway.

The figures, published by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) following a Freedom of Information request by campaign group Clean Air in London, reveal pollution limits on the A4 road running along the north border of Heathrow Airport will be over the legal limits in 2030.

The legal limits were introduced by the European Union in 2010.  They continue to be breached by member states, including the UK.  However, the EU does expect limits to be met by 2020 or member states will be fined.

Heathrow is the only airport in the UK where the air pollution limits are regularly breached.  The combination of traffic on the surrounding roads, including the M4 and the M25, and aircraft using the airport, accounts for the problem.  A third runway would increase flight numbers by a quarter of a million each year.

John Stewart, chair of the campaign group HACAN which opposes a new runway, said, “These dramatic figures suggest once again that air pollution could be a show-stopper as far as a third runway in concerned.”

The Airports Commission, which is looking at whether a new runway should be built at Heathrow or Gatwick, will do further work on air pollution before it publishes its final report, expected in June.



Pollution forecast clouds Heathrow expansion hope

Plans to expand the airport would increase yearly flights from 480,000 to 740,000