Commons Transport Committee start short inquiry into surface access for larger UK airports

The House of Commons Transport Committee has invited submissions for a short inquiry (ends 12th October) on surface transport at airports. “The inquiry will examine whether strategic connections to airports fulfil current and future requirements in terms of range and capacity. The Committee is interested to assess the effectiveness of the Government’s approach to planning surface access to airports, as well as understanding whether the Government is making full use of its powers to influence the selection of infrastructure and accompanying modes of transport to and from airports.” The inquiry is only for airports with over 1 million passengers per year, and it is not looking at air quality issues of surface transport (which is regrettable, for Heathrow and Gatwick). The Committee want submissions on how increased numbers of passengers and air freight in future are being planned for; whether better surface access could free up existing spare capacity in airports (Luton and Stansted perhaps); the Government’s role in planning surface access to airports in conjunction with airport owners, local authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships. They also want submissions on the funding and the DfT’s role in ensuring planning is joined-up.


Committee launches surface transport to airports inquiry

11 September 2015

The House of Commons Transport Committee is undertaking an inquiry into surface transport at airports. The inquiry will examine whether strategic connections to airports fulfil current and future requirements in terms of range and capacity.

You can send in a submissiondetails here

The Committee is interested to assess the effectiveness of the Government’s approach to planning surface access to airports, as well as understanding whether the Government is making full use of its powers to influence the selection of infrastructure and accompanying modes of transport to and from airports.

Written submissions

The inquiry will be limited to looking at UK airports with 1 million passengers per annum or above. The Committee is particularly interested in receiving written submissions on:

  • The range and capacity of current strategic connections to airports and how predicted changes in demand for capacity (both passengers and freight) are being planned for.
  • The importance of surface transport in freeing up existing spare capacity in airports.
  • The Government’s role in planning surface access to airports in conjunction with airport owners, local authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships.
    The funding of strategic connections to airports, particularly:
    Department for Transport’s (DfT) role in ensuring that surface access infrastructure is planned and built in a joined-up way where different parts of the infrastructure are funded by different parties.
    The level of responsibility that should be borne by the taxpayer for funding access and interfaces with national networks
  • The Government’s effectiveness in ensuring that its own policies, such as modal shift, are being achieved in decisions about surface transport to airports.
  • The extent to which airport customer preference and DfT policy concur in terms of preferred modes of surface transport to airports.

The following issues will not be covered by this inquiry:

  • Non-surface access modes of transport e.g. domestic flights
  • Air quality issues

We would be grateful to receive written submissions by Monday 12 October 2015.

Written submissions for this inquiry should be sent via the surface transport to airports inquiry page.

Transport Committee

Further information


