European Investment Bank publishes its investment policy
Date added: 6 October, 2007
(5.10.2007 European Investment Bank)
The EIB has renewed its policy on lending to the transport sector. The new transport
lending policy sets the guiding principles and selection criteria that will reinforce
the Bank’s contribution to this sector, in particular taking into account climate
change concerns.
The press release says:
“The EIB has renewed its policy on lending to the transport sector.
As in all areas of EIB activity, transport lending has been driven by EU policy.
In the present context of heightened attention to climate change the Bank is committed
to a review of its lending approach in the transport sector to ensure that its
support focuses on the sustainability of Europe’s transport.
The EIB’s new transport lending policy sets the guiding principles and selection
criteria that will reinforce the Bank’s contribution to this sector, in particular
taking into account climate change concerns. It includes a background note on
Global Warming and Transport.
The EIB would welcome comments on this document (comments should be sent to Juan
Manuel Sterlin Balenciaga, Communications Department, e-mail: and the Bank’s policy will be updated on a regular basis.”
EIB website is at:
Press release
EIB Transport Lending Policy document
CEE BankWatch – an international NGO looking at the lending of financial institutions:
Posted: Saturday, October 6th, 2007. Filed in General News.