AirportWatch response to the Aviation Scoping Document Consultation

The DfT has consulted on its scoping document, to develop a “Sustainable Framework
for UK Aviation”. This consultation closed on 20th October. There will be a further,
full, consultation next March on the developing policy, for planned adoption by
government in March 2013. AirportWatch has produced a range of supporting evidence documents, to back its arguments, and these as well as the AirportWatch response are now available. Also excellent, detailed, comprehensive and closely argued responses from a range of AirportWatch member organisations, arguing for a truly environmental responsible and sustainable future UK aviation policy. Links to
these are available below.

The Scoping Document consultation began in March 2011.  There is some information
about this at:

Aviation Scoping Document published today – a chance to “drag UK aviation policy into the 21st century”

– Secretary of State condemns Labour’s Aviation White Paper as Government starts
to draw up new transport policy 30.3.2011


Airport Watch Response:
AirportWatch produced its response, to be read in conjunction with the many evidence
papers.  The response can be seen at:
 AirportWatch Evidence Papers:
Links to the evidence papers from various members of AirportWatch are below:

International Air Connectivity for Business 


     Biofuels and Aviation (1)       
     Biofuels and Aviation (2)       
     Biofuels and Aviation (3) 
Responses to the Scoping Document consultation from some AirportWatch member organisations:
response from HACAN at  HACAN Scoping Document Response
response from GACC at   GACC Scoping Document Response
response from SSE at  SSE Scoping Document  Response
response from Belfast City Airport Watch at Belfast City Airport Watch Scoping Document Response

response from Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport  Manchester  SEMA response

response to the questions relating to biofuel from Biofuelwatch  Biofuelwatch response 

response from CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England)  CPRE response

response from Plane Stupid and Cirencester People and Planet  Plane Stupid and People & Planet response

response from Birmingham FoE  Birmingham Friends of the Earth response  
response from the Helicopter Noise Coalition  Response by the HNC
response from CPRE Hampshire CPRE Hampshire Response


response by the Aviation Environment Federation

AEF’s response to the Government’s recent consultation on the future of UK aviation policy is available below. In our response we welcome the Government’s acknowledgement that the level of growth planned for in the previous policy, the 2003 white paper, was not environmentally sustainable. We argue that the new aviation policy needs to define clearly the environmental limits within which the industry can develop and compete before determining decisions on airport capacity and aviation growth. Our response consists of six documents:

Scoping document response – the main paper in which we tackle the large majority of the consultation questions

AEF Appendix – aviation and economy supplementary evidence and analysis relating to the sector’s economic costs and benefits

Noise dialogue final paper – a submission put together collectively by AEF, BA, HACAN, Heathrow Airport and NATS

NPPF consultation response – our response to the draft National Planning Policy Framework, included here because of the need for policies on both aviation and planning to ensure that airport development meets sustainability criteria; the response notes a particular policy gap in relation to airport planning and climate change

Airports, risk and the public interest – an evidence paper calling for change to the way in which public safety around airports is handled


Sustainable Framework for UK Aviation Consultation closed on 20th October 2011
The DfT says the Scoping Document framed the debate and asked a series of questions
to initiate a dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders on the future direction
of aviation policy.

Download documents

Developing a sustainable framework for UK aviation: Scoping document (375 kb)