Protesters evicted from homes for demolition for future Nantes airport.

A major evacuation operation by security forces of houses squatted by opponents of the proposed airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, north of Nantes took place on Tuesday morning. Eleven houses and land that had been occupied on the site of the future airport were evacuated without incident by more than 500 gendarmes. At the first home  some 150 protesters, some of whom are locals and some anti-globalisation activists, had gathered.   Homes that have been evacuated are now subject to enhanced surveillance before being demolished “in the coming days.” The airport developers want preparatory work for road improvements serving this “inter airport” between Nantes and Rennes to begin by the end of the year. Work on the airport itself must begin in 2014 for commissioning in 2017.  The airport plans have been approved by the State and local socialist party, but the new airport’s usefulness is disputed, on economic grounds as well as its environmental impact.

There is a short (2 minutes 45 secs) video clip of one of the evictions on YouTube at



There is a blog (in French) from those opposing the evictions and house demolitions at

There is also a website about the ZAD (Zone A Défendre) with passionate defence by the local people, whose land is being taken and whose home area is being irrevocably damaged by this new airport project.  Some of it is in English, as is this letter to the Prefect of the Loire-Atlantique Department on 22nd October at   

It is a very sad situation, with many people battling passionately to preserve land, the farming community, and this peaceful rural area, as it is today – against what they see as an unnecessary, mega-project imposed on them by forces outside their control.

Some photos of the destruction:

(The caption on the photo translates as “thugs attack the house, protected by police”)


There is also a short video showing a demonstration on 18th October in Nantes, against the airport.  It is at

Airport project: first house destroyed Notre-Dame-des-Landes

Airport project: first house destroyed Notre-Dame-des-Landes.  AFP PHOTO JEAN-SEBASTIEN EVRARD

Airport project: first house destroyed Notre-Dame-des-Landes. 17th October 2012




Occupants evicted from future site of Nantes airport

NOTRE-DAME-DES-LANDES, Loire-Atlantique (Reuters) – Eleven houses and illegally occupied land on the site of the future airport …

Eviction of the occupants of the site of the future airport of Nantes

evacuation by the police of illegally occupied land and houses on the site of the future airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, near Nantes. 

 Photo taken October 16, 2012

/REUTERS / Stephane Mahe

NOTRE-DAME-DES-LANDES, Loire-Atlantique (Reuters)
-Eleven houses and illegally occupied land on the site of the future airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Loire-Atlantique) were evacuated without incident on Tuesday at dawn by more than 500 gendarmes.
First home, to which had converged since Saturday evening more than 150 anti-globalization activists and radicals opposed, was evacuated on Monday by security forces.
“The operation went without clashes characterized, there simply was corrupt delay as barricades on fire or some people mounted on the roof,” said the prefect of Loire-Atlantique, Christian de Lavernée, after evacuation.
The police did not conduct any inquiry, he said.  Homes evacuated are now subject to enhanced surveillance before being demolished “in the coming days.”
“For over a year, the area declared a public utility for the creation of future airport west of the great harbors of the illegal occupants,” was justified earlier, the prefecture said in a statement. “They have invested spaces and undeveloped acquired by the concessionaire and the state.”
Preparatory work for road improvements serving this “inter airport” between Nantes and Rennes must begin by the end of the year. Those of the airport itself must begin in 2014 for commissioning in 2017.
Evictions were decided by judges at the end of judicial proceedings by Aéroports the Great West (AGO), a subsidiary of Vinci.
“This should not be confused with persons lawfully present site before the date of declaration of public utility project in 2008 and involved an expropriation procedure whose execution is not valid “said the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique.
Construction and concession of the future airport, located 30 km north of Nantes, were assigned to the Vinci group, which evaluates its cost €560 million. It will pay €320, the rest being paid by the state (€125.5 million) and local (€115.5 million).
The project, which environmentalists claim abandonment is supported by the State and supported by local elected socialists, including the prime minister and former deputy mayor of Nantes Jean-Marc Ayrault.
Presented by its promoters as a “transfer” of the current Nantes-Atlantique Airport, located in the immediate vicinity of the city and threatened in their saturation future equipment designed to reduce nuisance in terms of noise and the feeling of insecurity a portion of the inhabitants of the city overflown by aircraft.
Guillaume Frouin, edited by Yves Clarisse


Original in French at


The French countryside on Tuesd ay morning as police prepare to evict activists.




Expulsion of future opponents Nantes airport

The police began to evacuate this morning in which several houses were installed adversaries airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

A major evacuation operation by security forces in squatted houses by opponents of the proposed airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, north of Nantes, took place on Tuesday morning. Dozens of police vehicles and riot police converged during the night from several directions in convoy to this area and the first evacuations began shortly before 7 am, according to opponents of the airport.  More than 500 policemen and CRS were involved, it according to the police.

Several helicopters hovered overhead and opponents had ignited a dam/barrage across a road in the middle of a grove of dense hedges and ditches. To 7:15, at a place called the Bel Air, CRS approached to ask the occupants to leave. After the evacuation of their furniture these, twenty people were forcibly evacuated by chanting “we are not thugs” and “we live here, we are staying here” 

Operation “concerns seven illegal occupations of built spaces and built four undeveloped zones of illegal occupation” , said the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique in a statement.  “This should not be confused with persons lawfully present on the site since before the declaration of the  public utility project in 2008 and involved an expropriation procedure whose execution is not valid “ , said the prefecture.

Work planned for early 2013

For the occasion, opponents locally put out information on intervention on the frequency 107.7, usually the highways of Vinci, the dealer group of the airport project, and confirmed that first house started to be evacuated around 6:45 am.  A first expulsion of fifteen people was held on 9 October in a town near Notre-Dame-des-Landes.  Another took place on Monday evening in a closed and guarded house, by the concessionaire of the project du Grand Ouest Airport (AGO), reoccupied since Saturday by hundreds of activists, at  Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Preparatory work for the construction of the airport (archaeological assessment, construction of road bar) should begin in early 2013 with completion expected in 2017 and imply that the houses purchased by the dealer and those who have undergone a expulsion procedure are largely empty.

The airport project 30 km north of Nantes, is intended to replace in 2017  the existing Nantes Atlantique airport, which is located south of the city, has been approved by the State and local socialist collectives, but the new airport’s usefulness is disputed by many associations, which also highlight its environmental impact and cost.

In addition to the farmers affected by the expropriation procedures, hundreds of activists opposed to the project and close to anarchist movements have been permanently installed for over three years. These opponents have already called for the “reoccupation” in deportation cases.


Original French:

Expulsion d’opposants au futur aéroport de Nantes

La gendarmerie a commencé ce matin à évacuer plusieurs maisons dans lesquelles se sont installés des adversaires de l’aéroport de Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Une importante opération d’évacuation par les forces de l’ordre de maisons squattées par des opposants au projet d’aéroport de Notre-Dame-des-Landes, au nord de Nantes, a eu lieu mardi matin. Plusieurs dizaines de véhicules de gendarmerie et de CRS ont convergé dans la nuit de plusieurs directions en convoi vers cette zone et les premières évacuations ont débuté peu avant 7 heures, selon les opposants à l’aéroport. Plus de 500 gendarmes et CRS étaient engagés, a-t-on appris sur place auprès des forces de l’ordre.

Plusieurs hélicoptères tournaient au dessus des lieux et les opposants avaient enflammé un barrage en travers d’une des routes, au milieu d’un bocage très dense de haies et de fossés. Vers 7h15, au lieu-dit le Bel Air, des CRS se sont approchés pour demander aux occupants des lieux de partir. Après l’évacuation de leurs meubles ces derniers, une vingtaine de personnes, ont été évacués de force en scandant «on n’est pas des voyous» et «on vit ici, on reste ici».

L’opération «concerne sept occupations illégales sur des espaces bâtis et quatre zones d’occupation illégales non bâties», a indiqué la préfecture de Loire-Atlantique dans un communiqué. «Cette situation ne doit pas être confondue avec celle des personnes présentes légalement sur le site depuis avant la date de déclaration d’utilité publique du projet en 2008 et concernées par une procédure d’expropriation dont l’exécution n’est pas d’actualité», a ajouté la préfecture.

Travaux prévus début 2013

Pour l’occasion, les opposants émettaient localement des informations sur l’intervention sur la fréquence 107.7, d’ordinaire celle des autoroutes Vinci, le groupe concessionnaire du projet d’aéroport, et affirmaient qu’une première maison avait commencé à être évacuée vers 6h45. Une première expulsion d’une quinzaine de personnes s’était déroulée le 9 octobre dans une commune proche de Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Une autre a eu lieu lundi soir dans une maison fermée et gardée par le concessionnaire du projet d’Aéroport du Grand Ouest (AGO), réoccupée depuis samedi par une centaine de militants, à Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Les travaux préparatoires à la construction de l’aéroport (bilan archéologique, construction du barreau routier) doivent commencer début 2013 pour un achèvement prévu en 2017 et impliquent que les maisons rachetées par le concessionnaire et celles qui ont fait l’objet d’une procédure d’expulsion soient en grande partie vidées.

Ce projet d’aéroport à 30 km au nord de Nantes, destiné à remplacer en 2017 l’actuel aéroport de Nantes Atlantique situé au sud de l’agglomération, a été validé par l’Etat et les collectivités locales socialistes, mais son utilité est contestée par de nombreuses associations, qui mettent aussi en avant son impact environnemental et son coût.

Outre les agriculteurs touchés par les procédures d’expropriations, une centaine de militants hostiles à ce projet et proches des mouvances anarchistes se sont durablement installés depuis plus de trois ans. Ces opposants ont déjà appelé à la «réoccupation» en cas d’expulsion.





Monday evening saw a large convoy through CRS Nantes.

Monday evening saw a large convoy of police vehicles through Nantes on their way to the evictions. 



Notre-Dame-des-Landes : les squatteurs anti-aéroport évacués

16 OCTOBRE 2012 

Les forces de l’ordre ont évacué mardi matin une partie des opposants au projet d’aéroport près de Nantes, qui occupent le site depuis trois ans. Ils ont appelé à la “réoccupation” en cas d’expulsion.

Depuis trois ans, les “squatteurs” de Notre-Dame-des-Landes sont installés dans des yourtes et des maisons désertées. © Reuters Stephane Mahe

7h ce matin : 500 gendarmes et CRS, plusieurs dizaines de véhicules et hélicoptère convergent vers le lieu-dit le Bel Air, à 30km de Nantes, pour procéder à l’évacuation d’une centaine de militants hostiles au projet  d’aéroport destiné à remplacer d’ici 2017 celui de Nantes Atlantique. Le dispositif, baptisé “Opération César”, est le plus important déployé jusque ici sur les lieux.

“On vit ici, on reste ici”

Evacués de force avec leurs meubles, les militants scandent “On n’est pas des voyous“, “On vit ici, on reste ici“. Depuis trois ans, ces opposants au projet, agriculteurs concernés par les procédures d’expropriation ou proches des mouvances anarchistes, se sont installés sur le site dans des maisons désaffectées et des yourtes, décidés à empêcher la construction de l’aéroport. Un projet dont ils dénoncent l’impact environnemental et le coût.

Les travaux doivent commencer au début de l’année prochaine, et impliquent que les maisons rachetées par le concessionnaire et celles qui ont fait l’objet d’une procédure d’expulsion soient en grande partie vidées. 1.600 hectares attribués au groupe Vinci sont concernés par la procédure d’expropriation.

Les “squatteurs” appellent à la réoccupation des lieux

Les forces de l’ordre avaient déjà procédé à une première expulsion d’une quinzaine de personnes le 9 octobre dans une commune proche, tandis qu’une autre a eu lieu lundi soir dans une maison fermée et gardée par le concessionnaire du projet d’aéroport, réoccupée depuis samedi par une centaine de militants.
Ce matin, au milieu d’un bocage de haies et de fossés, ceux qu’on appelle là-bas les “squatteurs” ont enflammé un barrage, en appelant déjà à la “réoccupation” du site en cas d’expulsion.




Notre-Dame-des-Landes: evacuation of squatted houses

NOTRE-DAME-DES-LANDES (Loire-Atlantique) – A major evacuation operation by security forces in squatted houses by opponents of the proposed airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, north of Nantes took place Tuesday morning, noted journalists from AFP.


Notre-Dame-des-Landes: evacuation of squatted houses
Evacuation by police 16 October 2012 a squatted house by opponents of the proposed airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes / Damien Meyer


Dozens of police vehicles and riot police converged on the night several directions in convoy to this area, noted AFP, and the first evacuations began shortly before 7:00 am, according to opponents of the airport. More than 500 policemen and CRS were involved, it was learned on the premises of the police. 

Several helicopters turned over places and opponents had ignited a dam across a road, found the AFP journalists in the middle of a grove of dense hedges and ditches. 

To 7:15, at a place called the Bel Air, CRS approached to ask the occupants to leave. After the evacuation of their furniture these, twenty people were forcibly evacuated by chanting ” we are not thugs “and” we live here, stays here . ” 

Operation ” for seven illegal occupation of spaces and built four zones of occupation illegal undeveloped , “said the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique in a statement. 

” This should not be confused with persons lawfully present on the site since before the declaration of public utility project in 2008 and involved an expropriation procedure whose execution is not valid“said the prefecture. 

For the occasion, opponents locally emitted information on intervention on the frequency 107.7, usually the highways Vinci, the dealer group airport project, and claimed that first house began to be evacuated to 6:45 am. 

First expulsion of fifteen people was held on 9 October in a town near Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Another took place on Monday evening in a house closed and guarded by the concessionaire of the project du Grand Ouest Airport (AGO), reoccupied since Saturday by hundreds of activists, Notre-Dame-des-Landes. 

Preparatory work for the construction of the airport (archaeological assessment, construction of road bar) should begin in early 2013 with completion expected in 2017 and imply that the houses purchased by the dealer and those who have undergone a procedure deportation are largely empty. 

The airport project 30 km north of Nantes, in 2017 to replace the existing Nantes Atlantique airport located south of the city, has been approved by the State and local socialist, but its usefulness is disputed by many associations, which also highlight its environmental impact and cost. 

In addition to the farmers affected by the expropriation procedures, hundreds of activists opposed to the project and close movements anarchists are permanently installed for over three years. These opponents have already called for the ” reoccupation “in deportation cases.




Major evacuation of squatted houses by opponents Nantes airport

The with AFP | 


Evacuation by police squatted houses by opponents of the proposed airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, north of Nantes, Tuesday, Oct. 16.


A major evacuation operation by security forces in squatted houses by opponents of the proposed airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, north of Nantes, began Tuesday, October 16 in the morning. Dozens of police vehicles converged on the night train to this area, and the first evacuations began shortly before 7 am, according to opponents of the airport. More than 500 policemen and CRS were involved, according to police.

Several helicopters hovering over places and opponents had ignited a dam across a road in the middle of a grove of dense hedges and ditches. 7 to 15 h, at a place called Bel-Air, gendarmes approached to ask the occupants to leave in five minutes. After the evacuation of their furniture, these, twenty people were forcibly evacuated by chanting “we are not thugs” and “we live here, stays here” .



Policemen squatted houses are evacuate by opponents of the airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes, on October 16 near Nantes.


Operation “for seven illegal occupation of spaces and built four zones of occupation illegal undeveloped” , said the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique. For the occasion, opponents locally emitted information on the frequency response 107.7, usually the highways Vinci, the dealer group airport project.

First expulsion of fifteen people was held on 9 October in a town near Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Another took place on Monday evening in a house closed and guarded by the dealer of the proposed Airport West Grand , reoccupied since Saturday by hundreds of activists, Notre-Dame-des-Landes.


Preparatory work for the construction of the airport (archaeological assessment, construction of road bar) should begin in early 2013 with completion expected in 2017 and imply that the houses purchased by the dealer and those who have undergone a procedure deportation are almost all empty.

The airport project 30 km north of Nantes, for replace the existing airport in 2017 from Nantes Atlantique in the south of the city, has been approved by the State and local socialist, but its usefulness is disputed by many associations, which also highlight its environmental impact and cost.

Read: A ‘new Larzac’ under the feet of Jean-Marc Ayrault

In addition to the farmers affected by the expropriation proceedings, hundreds of activists opposed to the project and close movements anarchists, nicknamed the “squatters” were permanently installed in over three years, investing tens of deserted houses or building huts. A significant portion of these houses could be evacuated Tuesday morning, but for several months the opponents at the airport who were preparing evacuations have already called for the “reoccupation” in deportation cases.

(includes a short film clip)





There is more information about Nantes airport at 

Nantes International Airport – not yet built

 and Nantes Airport News