Links to responses to the Airports Commission consultation on air quality
The Airports Commission consultation on air quality ended on 29th May. It lasted only 3 weeks (14 working days) and as well as being technical, it was not in a format that non-experts or lay people could easily understand. Let alone respond to, other than in general terms. However, lots of organisations and individuals did manage to make sense of it, and submit responses. The response by the AEF (Aviation Environment Federation) was one of the most extensive and technical. Many other organisations responded, making the point that air quality is a key problem for all three runway proposals. Adding a runway could only have the effect of increasing the amount of air pollution, due to substantially increased numbers of road traffic movements. The emissions from diesel powered vehicles have not reduced as much as had been hoped. Models of future air pollution have to make a range of assumptions, such as layout of roads, use of vehicles within the airport, proportion of passengers travelling to and from the airport by rail, and future improvements in vehicle emissions. The health impacts of air pollution are increasingly being recognised, and the judgement by the Supreme Court that the UK must work faster to meet EU air limits has been important.
Links to some of the responses to the air quality consultation are below (in no particular order)
Aviation Environment Federation Consultation Response to the Airports Commission
Air quality response GACC (Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign)
RHC (Richmond Heathrow Campaign) Response to Air Quality Consultation
Gatwick Obviously NOT response
Comment from HACAN on the air quality consultation
Comment from the 2M group of councils in London
Teddington Action Group response
CAGNE (Communities Against Gatwick Noise and Emissions) Response on Air Quality Consultation
Gatwick Airport’s Response to Airports Commission Consultation on Air Quality