Briefings and Information
@AirportWatch . AirportWatch on Facebook
See also – Briefings – July 2015
AirportWatch has prepared separate 2-page briefings (and longer briefings, with full references) on the topics of:
- aircraft noise • air quality • carbon emissions • aviation economics/taxation
These provide necessary information from a different perspective than that of the runway lobbies.
Below are links to briefings on a variety of subjects. There are also Publications (generally rather longer, or published, documents) which can be found under Publications.
including CCC advice, the Climate Change Act, the % of UK carbon emissions that is caused by aviation, the EU ETS and how aviation emissions compare with other forms of transport
- Noise Briefings & Information including how aircraft noise is measured, levels of noise and annoyance, health effects of noise at night, and how to complain about aircraft noise, taxation and Air Passenger Duty, the Tourism Deficit and
- Economics & Employment Briefings & Information including forecaset of future passenger numbers, misleading job creation promises by the industry.
- Biofuels Briefings including several presentations on aviation biofuels, and details about jatropha.
- Safety Briefings including Vortex damage to buildings near airports, Third Party Risk and Public Safety Zones.
- Airport Greenwash ! including many recent stories of airports making small carbon savings, while going gung ho for more aviation growth.
- Specific Airport Briefings – Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Belfast
- Air Quality including public health effects
- Planning including background information on aspects of law relevant to airports and aviation.
- Miscellaneous & Older Briefings – various topics, including High Speed Rail, carbon offsetting and useful reports from 2008 and before.
Data visualisation – the impacts of transport
Interesting data visualisation infographic on some of the global impacts of transport, including aviation, among other things.
See how much CO2 global aviation is producing, and how many people are flying, and many other fascinating bits of data – the count starts when you click onto the website.