East Midlands Airport
Some news about the airport at East Midlands Airport News
– General Info about East Midlands Airport (see below)
– Night Flights from EMA (see below)
These were the forecasts by East Midlands Airport in ? 2005
Shown by events to be hopelessly over-optimistic of the rate of growth
From Link
Chart showing actual passenger numbers and cargo tonnage at East Midlands airport, compared to airport Master Plan forecasts.
East Midlands runway extension plans approved – but nohting was ever built. Runway being refurbished in November/December 2016
Runway Extension
a planning application for this in 2000, but it was not progressed. More information
can be found in the Environmental Statement, issued in May 2008. In summary the
proposal was:
2.2 In summary the Airport seeks permission for
– construction of 130m of new runway at the 09 (western) end of the runway
– conversion of the 30m blast strip at the 09 (western) end of the runway to
full runway use
– conversion of 30m (of the available 31m) blast strip at the 27 (eastern) end
of the runway to full runway use
approach lighting and some physical reconfiguration of the runway; most notably the landing threshold for runway 27 would be moved 150m west.
East Midlands Airport Draft Noise Action Plan Consultation
2nd July 2009
East Midlands Airport has today launched a 16 week public consultation on its
draft plans to manage the impact of aircraft noise and review the measures currently
in place. The introduction of these plans is part of a European Union directive
that requires all main sources of environmental noise including; airports, major
roads, railways and urban conurbations with more than 250,000 residents, to produce
Noise Action Plans. Deadline October 2009. Click here for more details…
East Midlands Airport – some general information
Airport Contact Details:
noise associated with theAirport remains below 1996 levels for a further ten years,
until at least 2016.”
For the Forum’s minutes online click here
Webtrak: WebTrak enables you to see air traffic in the vicinity of East Midlands Airport. It enables you to see the general location and flow of flights, but it is not accurate. The data is taken from the NATS radar. 22.3.2008 – from an anonymous sufferer from aircraft noise from NEMA: In case anyone wonders if we’re making inflated claims about the nightly misery caused by EMA’s activities, I sampled the airport’s ‘WebTrak’ system:-Breaking down the defined night period of Tues/Weds (March 19th-20th)…2300-0000 = 11 arrivals, 4 departures0000-0100 = 6 arrivals, 5 departures0100-0200 = 3 arrivals, 13 departures0200-0300 = 6 arrivals, 4 departures |
0300-0400 = 3 arrivals, 2 departures
0400-0500 = 1 arrival, 3 departures
0500-0600 = 0 arrivals, 7 departures
0600-0700 = 1 arrival, 11 departures
I don’t recommend sitting down in front of ‘WebTrak’, though it is a salutary
exercise. The last time I checked the number of midweek aircraft movements at
EMA the figures were in the region of 70 to 75. The numbers are evidently creeping upwards – and there are more departures than arrivals during the night – departures being noisier than arrivals. The argument is that this is of little consequence because the routes taken by EMA’s aircraft are over sparsely populated areas.
East Midlands Airport. Flights and CO2 emissions.
Analysis of flights, routes, and top 10 destinations from East Midlands Airport in 2011. Also carbon emissions.
And passenger growth and numbers over the past 15 years. http://www.awsw.co.uk/allco2/EMA_co2.html
CAA figures: CAA airport statistics
Terminal Passengers:
2007 Terminal Passengers
UK Airport Statistics: 2012 – annual (Table 10.3) Terminal Passengers 2002 – 2012
2015 4,446,000 down – 1% on 2014
2014 4,506,457 up + 4.1% on 2013
2013 4,328,229 up + 6.4% on 2012
2005 4,182
2000 2,227
1996 1,821
Air Transport Movements
UK Airport Statistics: 2012 – annual (Table 4.2) ATMs 2002 – 2012
2005 54
2000 40
1996 35
Air Freight
UK Airport Statistics: 2012 – annual (Table 13.2) Freight 2002 – 2012
2014 277,413
2013 266,968
2005 266,569
2000 178,248
1996 104,287
Multimap: East Midlands Airport location
Local community group:
2006 14.2%
2007 12.9%
2008 13.3%
Business Aviation: Number of business flights (= private jets)
CAA statistics, annual figures – Table 3.1
Night Flights
The Noise Action Plan 2013 – 2018 states:
We have placed restrictions on the use of aircraft with higher quota counts. Aircraft with quota counts of QC8 or QC16 may not be scheduled to operate between 11pm and 7am and will only be allowed to take-off in exceptional circumstances. These flights are charged at the highest night supplement rate and are also subject to an additional noise surcharge of £5000 or £10000 for QC8 or QC16 aircraft respectively. We donate all of the money from these surcharges to the East Midlands Airport Community Fund.
Flights between 11.30pm and 6am are subject to additional charges based upon the QC category of the aircraft. In the case of passenger flights, this is a 25% surcharge applied to aircraft that do not meet at least QC2 on departure. For cargo flights – arrivals and departures – the surcharge is based upon both the weight and the QC category of the aircraft. Cargo flights departing between 9pm and 11.30pm and between 6am and 7am are subject to additional charges based upon the weight of the aircraft.
Night Restrictions
– unscheduled QC8/16 (e.g. because of unavoidable delay or emergency) are allowed
on payment of £5,000/10,000 surcharge. Surcharges go to community fund. There
was only one such movement in 2008.
East Midlands
Max a/c QC = 16 [8 typ]
Max dBA – 92
92 Max dBA for: “Aircraft with a MTOW of 300 tonnes or greater” “Aircraft departing between 2300 to 0700 (Winter) and 2200-0600 (Summer) are required to operate within a maximum noise limit (measured at a distance of 6.5 km from start of roll).” [slidng scale: 100-300 tonnes MTOW = 87 dBA,
<100 tonnes MTOW = 82 dBA] “QC8 and QC16 aircraft movements must not be scheduled between the hours of 2300-0700 (Winter) and 2200-0600 (Summer). QC8 and QC16 movements between these times require the prior permission of the Airport and will incur a surcharge of £5,000 and £10,000 respectively.” “Aircraft that exceed a maximum noise limit will be subject to a penalty of £750 sterling for an infringement of 1 decibel or less and an additional penalty of £150 sterling for each decibel thereafter” <QC8 Arrivals unrestricted ? [Source: (14 Feb 08) AD 2-EGNX-1-11 ] “A scheduled service is a service that operates for at least three months of the year to a set timetable (once a week or more with the same scheduled arrival and departure times each week)”
[www.nemacargo.com/] – this weblink no longer works.