Outline planning application for Manchester Airport City Enterprise Zone approved
Following on from the approval given to the £100m World Logistics Hub at Manchester Airport in November, outline plans for a 2nd major development, Airport City North, went out to public consultation that started in November and closed on 20th December. The plans went the Wythenshawe Area Planning Committee and were then approved by the Manchester City Council Planning and Highways Committee meeting on 17th January. It is intended that the 65-acre site will become a ‘Major International Business Park’, or “Airport City”, containing 4182 car parking spaces, 1293 hotel rooms, manufacturing, offices and retail space. The World Logistics Hub is just part of the project. Others are MedCity with the University Hospital South Manchester Foundation Trust. There are huge claims of some 11,400 jobs to be created at Airport City which will include offices, hotels and factories. However, in reality, many of these jobs transfer from elsewhere.
17 January 2013
Manchester Airport business park approved

- 17.1.2013 (BBC)
Councillors in Manchester have approved plans for a £650m business park at Manchester Airport.
Almost 11,500 jobs could be created at Airport City Manchester, which will include offices, hotels and factories.
The development will be on 65 acres of scrub land near the M56 and Woodhouse Park in Wythenshawe.
Developer MAG hopes the scheme will attract inward investment to the Wythenshawe area.
Initial construction and enabling works for the creation of the new road will commence in March 2013.
A new Metrolink extension through Wythenshawe is under construction and will link Airport City to Greater Manchester’s successful tram network by 2016.
A new landscaped ‘green bridge’ will connect the new ‘mini-city’ to the Airport and its public transport interchange, making the site one of the most accessible in the region.
Green light for Manchester Airport business district
18 January 2013 (Planning)
An application to build a new business district on a 26-hectare site within Manchester’s government-designated Airport City enterprise zone has been granted outline planning permission.
Manchester City Council’s planning and highways committee yesterday gave the go-ahead to airport operator Manchester Airport Group’s application, which was submitted before Christmas.
The scheme is intended to involve the creation of 113,400 square metres of office space, 49,000 square metres of industrial space, and 5,800 square metres of retail, leisure and community facilities.
The scheme, sited on the edge of the Wythenshawe area of the city, is also intended to provide 1,293 hotel beds, 4,182 car parking spaces and 547 cycle spaces, according to a report to the council’s planning and highways committee.
The application is in the north section of the wider 60.7-hectare Airport City development and would be located to the north of the airport’s runways, railway station and terminals. The majority of the site currently consists of two areas of long stay airport car parking.
John Atkins, MAG’s Airport City director, said: “The planning approval is a major milestone, underlining the progress made in the last 12 months and enables us to progress to the delivery stage in 2013, driving forward opportunities to attract investment and create jobs.”
Manchester Airport was confirmed as one of the coalition government’s first four “vanguard” enterprise zones in March 2011. The zones provide streamlined planning rules and tax breaks for businesses.
Outline planning application consultation till 20th December on Manchester Airport City Enterprise Zone
The Manchester Airport City Enterprise Zone is a string of linked sites focused around Manchester Airport, Wythenshawe Centre and University Hospital South Manchester Foundation Trust.
Second major development planned at Manchester Airport
By Sonia Mitchell –
4th December, 2012 ( Wilmslow.co.uk – a community website)
Following on from the approval given to the £100m World Logistics Hub at Manchester Airport last month, plans for a second major development, Airport City North, are now at the public consultation stage.
Residents have until Thursday 20th December to submit their comments, when the plans go before the Wythenshawe Area Planning Committee. They will then go to the Manchester City Council Planning and Highways Committee meeting on 17th January (tbc) for the final decision.
It is intended that the 65-acre site will become a ‘Major International Business Park’, containing 4182 car parking spaces, 1293 hotel rooms, manufacturing, offices and retail space. The southern boundary of the site is formed by the M56 spur, Ringway Road West and Outwood Lane West. The northern boundary is bordered by residential properties. Painswick Park and the Little Flyers Nursery are located along the north western boundary on the west side of Thorley Lane, north of the M56 spur. Manchester Business Park lies to the east.
The affected area includes Woodhouse Park, currently used as a recreational space, and will involve the loss of species-rich hedgerows and extensive areas of scrub and woodland used by a range of breeding birds and bats.
The plans (application no. 100831) are available on Manchester City Council’s Planning website, and comments should be made to Planning Officer Dave Lawless by email ond.lawless@manchester.gov.uk.
This is a member post by Sonia Mitchell.
Original article at:
Outline planning application for Airport City North.
Application No. 100831
This is the proposal, from the Manchester Airports Group Planning Statement. October 2012
All the planning application documents can be seen on the Manchester City Council website at http://www.publicaccess.manchester.gov.uk/associateddocs/MCCList1.aspx?100831/OO/2012/S2
Location maps
The map showing the location of the Airport City, as it is today, is at http://www.publicaccess.manchester.gov.uk/associateddocs/selecteddoc.aspx?100831-eia-0006.pdf
The map showing what the Airport City development would look like is at http://www.publicaccess.manchester.gov.uk/associateddocs/selecteddoc.aspx?100831-dpp-0001.pdf
About the Manchester Airport Enterprise Zone
from the MAG website at http://www.manchesterairportez.co.uk/about-the-enterprise-zone
The MAG website says:
“On 24th March 2011, Manchester Airport was confirmed as the location of one of the UK Government’s new “Enterprise Zones”, with an emphasis placed on offering incentives to businesses to locate and expand in these targeted areas, in order to create new jobs and stimulate economic growth.
“The Enterprise Zone is expected to benefit from a business rate discount worth up to £275,000 per eligible business over a five year period. For a period of at least 25 years, all business rate revenue within the zone will be shared and retained by the local area, to ensure that funds from the Enterprise Zone are reinvested locally. The Enterprise Zone will also benefit from a simplified planning application approach and super-fast broadband, achieved through guaranteeing a highly supportive regulatory environment.
“The Enterprise Zone located at Manchester Airport, will centre on and around the development of the UK’s only ‘Airport City’ project, which will be a high quality, mixed-use commercial community that makes full use of its location at a major transport interchange with access to rail, Metrolink, bus and road networks, as well as national and international air travel. The first phase of the development is located on land between the airport and Wythenshawe, to the north of the airport’s ground transport interchange and terminal buildings.
“On 6th April 2011, the Manchester City Council Executive endorsed the proposals for the Manchester Airport City Enterprise Zone – and Manchester Airports Group (MAG) will now be working alongside local authorities and other stakeholders to bring forward proposals for a definitive boundary and the required governance arrangements for the Zone as soon as possible.”

£659m ‘Airport City’ planned for the Manchester Airport Enterprise Zone
? January 2012 ?
Chancellor George Osborne has unveiled plans for a £659m ‘Airport City’ – the first of its kind in the UK – at the heart of the Manchester Airport Enterprise Zone, designated last year.
The 150-acre regeneration scheme involves the provision of some 5 million sq ft of new development. The detailed ‘stage two’ master plan for Airport City, just revealed, proposes the creation of two core Airport City zones. The first is a development area next to the airport’s existing railway station and north of the M56, which will focus on hotel, office, retail and advanced manufacturing uses – while a second area adjacent to the existing cargo centre at Junction 6 of the M56, will focus on freight and logistics.
In total, over the next 12-15 years, Airport City plans to deliver some 1.5m sq ft of offices; 650,000 sq ft advanced manufacturing floor space; up to 100,000 sq ft of retail and leisure; around 2,500 hotel beds and some 1.4m sq ft of logistics and warehousing floor space.
The main central business district of Airport City to the north of the M56 will be linked to the airport terminals by a series of wide, landscaped ‘green bridges’ based on New York’s elevated urban park, the Highline. This will ensure that every part of the northern Airport City zone is within an eight-minute walk from the airport’s coach, bus and rail hub.
A landscaped ‘Central Park’ area more than 800m long, featuring a number of pavilions and a large-scale event space, will form the centrepiece of Airport City, along with traditional elements of a conventional city centre: shops, coffee houses, bars and restaurants.
Manchester Airports Group is currently preparing to undertake the first stage delivery of the project. This will focus on key road elements, landscaping, infrastructure and utility provision.
CPRE report
In 2011, CPRE North West did a detailed report (69 pages)on the plans for the Airport City. This can be seen at http://www.cprelancashire.org.uk/uploads/reports/MAEZ%20MTRU%20print%20july.pdf
It also looks at other “Airport Cities” elsewhere.
Manchester’s £650m Airport City master plan unveiled
January 12, 2012
Chancellor George Osborne was today unveiling the blueprint, which for the first time maps out exactly how the scheme, granted enterprise zone status by the government, will take shape.
The project, set to create up to 21,000 jobs, will be split into two zones, the first of which will be made-up of 1.85m sq ft of hotel, office, retail and advanced manufacturing space, all next to Manchester Airport’s existing train station.
The second will focus on freight and logistics uses and will be created next to the airport’s existing cargo centre, by junction six of the M56.
Bosses at MAG Developments,Manchester Airports Group’s property arm, are set to submit a planning application within weeks for the scheme’s main link road, with work set to start by spring and due for completion in 12-15 months.
MAG is also gearing up to carry out vital infrastructure work, such as landscaping, utility provision and the installation of high-speed broadband, all of which it will fund itself. That work will take up to three years to complete but will done in a way that allows individual office blocks and hotels to be built during the process.
Airport City director John Atkins told the M.E.N he expects work to start on some of these units by the end of next year, with MAG having received hundreds of inquiries from global businesses looking to move into the development.
Of those, 60 are considered to be “potential occupiers,” with advanced discussions already under way with potential tenants in the freight forwarding, aviation, leisure and advanced manufacturing sectors.
Manchester Airports Group chief executive Charlie Cornish said: “Airport City is a concept we have been developing for a number of years and we are now at a critical stage in the project’s life as we bring it to the market and commence phase one.
“We were enthused by the government’s recognition of Airport City’s potential when it was named as the focal point of their new enterprise zone, as we feel that this project presents a generational opportunity not only for the wider region, but nationally in order to attract new investment to the UK during the economic downturn.”
When the 150-acre Airport City is complete, there will be 1.5m sq ft of offices, 650,000 sq ft of advanced manufacturing space, up to 100,000sq ft of retail and leisure units, around 2,400 new hotel beds and 1.4m sq ft of logistics and warehousing units.
Next month, MAG will launch the search for a developer, a process which will run for six months.
Another key feature will be a landscaped 800m-long “Central Park” style public realm, with elements similar to those found in a city centre, such as shops, coffee houses, bars and restaurants. There will also be a large event space and a series of pavilions.
The whole plot will have a “central business district,” linked to the airport terminals and its new Metrolink station by a series of “green bridges”, modelled on those found in New York’s elevated urban park the Highline.
That will mean every part of the northern section of Airport City is within an eight-minute walk from the airport’s coach, bus and rail hub.
Manchester city council leader Sir Richard Leese said: “Airport City will fill the gap in the market that currently exists for a high quality and well-connected environment for businesses that need access to a major British city and to a global marketplace.
“Airport City will provide an innovative and complementary offer to Greater Manchester’s existing assets, rather than competing against them, adding new capacity to the city’s existing dynamic economy. Manchester is well-placed with an international offer based on established academic research and technology, innovative businesses, communications and transport infrastructure.”
Approval granted for £100m Manchester Airport logistics hub covering 91 acres
November 25, 2012 Manchester Airport’s parent group MAG’s outline planning application has been approved for a 91.2 acres, £100 million world logistics hub in the southern part of Greater Manchester’s Airport City Enterprise Zone. The development will create 1.2 to 1.4 million sq ft of new logistics space. The airport hopes it will attract new international businesses and help existing airport businesses to expand, generating economic growth and – they claim” “over 1,800 new jobs” (in reality, many of those jobs are transferred from elsewhere). Some of the site will have new landscaping and natural habitats. Construction could begin by the end of the year. On 25th October, the local Wythenshawe Area Committee recommended the application for approval. Local opponents worry that it will result in serious loss of amenity, environmental damage for local people, and have serious consequences on local biodiversity and ecology. Click here to view full story.
Protest wildlife walk against the proposed World Logistics Hub at Manchester airport
November 4, 2012 On Saturday 3rd November around 100 local residents and campaigners took part in a protest walk against the proposed £100m World Logistics Hub at Manchester Airport. The protesters braved the cold to take a route around the 90 acre former greenbelt site, which is threatened by the plans to build 43 cargo sheds and almost 1,500 car parking spaces. Local residents, wildlife enthusiasts and environmental campaigners spoke at various points along the walk, sharing their experiences of fighting Manchester Airport expansion and highlighting the numerous ways that the plans would affect local people and the environment. The Wildlife Walk came the week after the Wythenshawe Area Committee ‘recommended for approval’ the World Logistics Hub plans, on the 25th October. The application will now be sent to the Planning and Highways Committee at Manchester City Council for a final decision on 22nd November 2012. Campaigners argue that job creation figures proposed by the airport are inflated. Click here to view full story…