Airports Commission publishes full list of long term proposals to increase UK airport capacity
The Airports Commission has put together the long list of airport proposals, and other proposals including many on surface access, that have been submitted. The majority are for the main contender airports, (Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Thames estuary options, Birmingham etc) but with several from small airports or airfields and some in areas not currently airports, such as rural Oxfordshire and the Severn Estuary. The Commission will now consider all of these, and publish “a shortlist of the most credible long term options, taking into account the Commission’s assessment of the need for additional capacity” in December 2013. It is possible for anyone to send in further comments on any of the schemes submitted, until 27th September. The Commission has also published an information note, considering its work programme for Phase 2 – which is after December 2013. It says: “If the Commission reaches a view in its interim report that a significant increase in aviation capacity is needed, the second phase of our work will develop the list of credible long term options into detailed schemes, and subject them to a thorough appraisal process.”
Publication of long term options
7.8.2013 (Airports Commission)
As set out in the Airports Commission’s Guidance Document 01, the date for submitting long term proposals (19 July 2013) has now passed.
We received a number of submissions and items of correspondence, some of which offered detailed proposals for long term options whilst others offered commentary and analysis. This commentary and analysis will be taken into account alongside the detailed proposals. The purpose of this note is to inform you that we are now publishing the detailed proposals that we have received.
We have published proposals as they were presented to us, only redacting personal information or as requested by the authors e.g. to protect commercially sensitive information. Where the proposal had previously been published on a sponsor’s website we have only included the link to that web site.
Anyone wishing to make specific comments on the detail contained within any of the proposals published here is welcome to do so. To enable us to take them into account we will need to receive comments by 27 September 2013 at the latest.
Those who have already written to us with comments need not resend them, these will be considered alongside other comments received.
All detailed comments on specific proposals should include for ease of reference, the name of the proposer and site in question and should be sent to
In exceptional circumstances we will accept them in hard copy, which can be sent to: Airports Commission 6th Floor Sanctuary Buildings 20 Great Smith Street London SW1P 3BT
If you wish to make further comments of a general nature not related to the detail of these proposals, and to view all our discussion papers so far as well as responses to those where the deadline has passed, please refer to our website
Please also note that we will be publishing a shortlist of the most credible long term options, taking into account the Commission’s assessment of the need for additional capacity, in December 2013.
There will be further opportunities to comment and submit views on these shortlisted options in 2014
This is the spreadsheet of all the long term airport proposals that have been submitted to the Airports Commission, for their consideration.
Long term options: spreadsheet listing the organisations that have submitted proposals to the Airports Commission
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 30.5KB (with links to the actual documents in some cases – others are in zip format on the very large document to which there is a link below)
Proposer | Location |
Aras Global | Heathrow Airport |
Avery Water Schabas | Surface Access Options |
Beckett Rankine | Goodwin Sands |
Birmingham Airport | Bimingham Airport |
Buro fur MEHR | Various |
Exhaustless | Various |
Fairoaks Airport | Fairoaks Airport |
First Class Partnership | Stansted Airport |
Flagship Concepts | Foulness |
Foster and Partners | Isle of Grain |
Gatwick Airport | Gatwick Airport |
Greengauge 21 | Surface Access Options |
Grimshaw | London Hub City |
Heathow Hub | Heathrow Airport |
Heathrow Airport Ltd | Heathrow Airport |
Imperial College | Dispersed London Hub |
Infratil Airports Europe | Manston Airport |
Interlinking Transit Solution Ltd | Surface Access Options |
International Aviation Advisory Group (IAAG) | Cliffe |
Kent County Council | Dispersed London Hub |
London Medway Airport | Cliffe |
MAKE Architects | Stansted Airport |
Manchester Airport Group | Stansted Airport and Manchester Airport |
Metrotidal Tunnel and Thames Reach Airport | Isle of Grain |
MSP Solutions | Severn Estuary |
MSP Solutions | Stansted Airport |
Pleiade Associates | Oxfordshire |
Policy Exchange | Heathrow Airport |
Private Individual | Gatwick & Lydd |
Private Individual | Heathrow |
Private Individual | Heathrow & Stansted |
Private Individual | Hub Airports |
Private Individual | Maplin Sands |
Private Individual | MERLIN -Surface Access |
Private Individual | Severn Estuary |
Private Individual | Surface Access Options |
Private Individual | Thurrock |
Private Individual | Twyford |
Private Individual | Universal Hub – Surface Access |
Private Individual | Walland Marsh |
Private Individual2 | Heathrow |
Private Individual2 | Surface Access Options |
Progressive Aviation Group | RAF Croughton & Steventon |
Quaestus(Poppleton) Ltd | Surface Access Options |
Richmond Heathrow Campaign | Various |
Thames Esturay Research and Development Company (TESTRAD) | Outer Thames Estuary |
Transport for London | Inner Thames Estuary |
Transport for London | Outer Thames Estuary |
Transport for London | Stansted Airport |
Western Gateway Group | Cardiff Airport |
WestonWilliamson and Partners | Luton Airport |
Long term options: proposals submitted to the Airports Commission
ZIP, 181MB
This is a very large document, in Zip format, which some older computers cannot open.
See also
Full list of airport schemes to increase airport capacity, including some weird & wonderful – eg. 7 runways at Heathrow