Biofuels Briefings
• Biofuel Watch briefing on aviation biofuels Feb 2011
• IATA presentation on aviation biofuels Dec 2010
• Greenpeace Briefing on Aviation and Biofuels (Nov 2009)
• Some information on jatropha as an aviation fuel (Jan 2009)
• Aviation Biofuels – Biofuelwatch briefing March 2009
• Aviation and Biofuels presentation – by Deepak Rughani, March 2009
• Aviation and Biofuels presentation – by Deepak Rughani (without slides, so smaller)
Biofuels for aviation – publications and reports
Three short AirportWatch briefings on Biofuels and Aviation
(August 2011)
“Flying in the face of the facts – Greenwashing the aviation industry with biofuels”
Report by Friends of the Earth, Europe. June 2011 14 pages.
Flying in the face of the facts
and on the FoE Europe website at link
Some information on jatropha as an aviation fuel (Jan 2009)
from the Guardian and other sources
“Greening of Aviation”
Text of Biofuelwatch presentation to AirportWatch conference)
by Deepak Rughani 7 pages
Biofuels for Aviation: More Future Land Grabbing and Deforestation for Agrofuels to Justify Today’s Airport Expansion?
Biofuelwatch 6 pages
Aviation Biofuels – Biofuelwatch briefing March 2009
IATA – Aviation industry point of view
IATA presentation on aviation biofuels Dec 2010 20 pages
SWAFEA final report July 2011
The Sustainable Way for Alternative Fuels and Energy for Aviation report, submitted to the European Commission, gives details of how they propose European aviation can get up to 2% of biofuels by 2020. They claim “sustainable” biofuel, in huge amounts, can be sourced. On aviation industry emissions reduction targets, the study finds that stabilisation of emissions at 2020 levels – using biofuels – would probably take well beyond 2030.and it sees some of the problems.
Biofuel Assessment – Prepared for Tesco
by Kevin Lister, 2007
This report takes a high level overview on the impact of biofuels on the environment and the economy through a meta analysis of the main reports and data sources that have been issued from bodies such as the World Bank, the UK government and other key academic sources. Biofuel Assessment