HACAN East presents London City Airport with a 30th Birthday cake – it’s time for it to clean up its act

Campaigners at local group HACAN East want London City airport to stop growing, cap the number of annual flights & end concentrated flight paths, to protect residents from the noise and the pollution. Today was London City Airport’s 30th birthday. Campaigners – dressed up as bakers –  presented the airport will a beautiful cake. They say that now it is 30 years old, it should CLEAN UP ITS ACT. The campaign wants London City to be a better neighbour – the airport is in a totally inappropriate location, surrounded by such densely populated areas that are home to so many people. The airport should NOT be allowed to grow further, as it affects too many people.  There is a moving film, with people affected by the airport speaking out. One lady says:  “We have lived in our house in Mottingham, SE 9, for over 35 years, Then last year without any consultation or warning we suddenly found we had low flying, noisy planes coming over our house from early morning till late at nights. These flights are devastating to me.  I sometimes hate living in my house and I want to move. But the thought of moving away from family and friends at this stage in our life is just too hard to do.” A sad reflection on how aviation impacts people’s lives.

The cake, with suggested ingredients for it – keep the cap on flights; end concentrated flight paths; no further expansion.
The cake
What the campaigners want.

HACAN East says: We cannot deny the voices of those who experience the impact of living beside or under the flight paths. We must raise their voices.”
Watch London City Airport residents speak out in full at
 They say the airport should CLEAN UP ITS ACT.


On 26th October London City turns 30.  Below is an extract of a blog we have written.  The full blog can be found on our blog page.

I first remember walking along the North Woolwich Road in 1978, the year I came to London.  The lively pubs my uncles – seamen from Scotland – had talked about were lively no more.  Much of the area was on its last legs.  The docks, which had provided so much employment for the area, were to close down just three years later, in 1981.

Only people who have never experienced the pain of unemployment would dismiss lightly any development which brings jobs. As a boy I heard stories from an earlier generation of my family who had experienced the utter despair of not having a job during the Depression in 1930s Glasgow.

 It was this mission to create jobs and prosperity in East London that drove many councillors to back the expansion of the airport in the 1990s.  It was a noble aim but it did leave a litany of broken promises made to residents about the noisy neighbour in their midst.

So, three wishes as you move beyond thirty.

1. No further expansion – it is essential that the current cap on the number of planes allowed to use the airport remains.

2. No concentrated flight paths – the concentrated flight paths have created noise ghettos in areas across east and south east London.  A solution needs to be found which provides some relief for the people of the noise ghetto.

3. No increase in noise and pollution – planes are becoming a little quieter and cleaner.  The way to ensure residents benefit from that is to make sure that the current cap on the number of flights permitted to use it each year remains.

And one more thing.  Moving forward, no more broken promises?





