Thousands expected to attend end-of-consultation rally to protest against Heathrow expanson plans
20.2.2008 (Hacan press release)
The Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg will head up an impressive line-up of
speakers (1) who will address a Central London Rally which thousands of people
are expected to attend in protest against government plans to expand Heathrow
The rally, being staged by campaign groups HACAN and NoTRAG (No Third Runway
Action Group) and backed by the 2M group of local authorities, will be held in
Central Hall, Westminster on 25th February from 7.00 – 9.30pm. It will coincide
with a Lobby of Parliament (3).
The rally marks the culmination of a campaign which has seen thousands of people
turn out at public meetings and exhibitions to protest against the Heathrow expansion
The expansion is being opposed by local campaign groups, national environmental
organisations, politicians from all the political parties, the 2M group of 14
local authorities in the Heathrow area, the London Assembly and all the four main
Mayoral candidates.
John Stewart, the chair of HACAN, said, &lquot;We expect Central Hall to be packed.
It will reflect the real anger there is at the Government’s plans to expand Heathrow.
Never before have expansion plans generated opposition from so many quarters.&rquot;
Geraldine Nicholson, the Chair of NoTRAG, said, &lquot;Thousands of people stand to
lose their homes if these expansion plans go ahead. We are bringing 6 coach loads
of people from our area to say ‘Third Runway, No Way’.&rquot;
Notes for Editors and Picture Editors:
(1). The full range of speakers is in the box below
Stop Heathrow ExpansionEnd-of-Consultation RallyCentral Hall,Westminster25th February 2008, 7pm – 9.30pmThe rally starts at 7.00pm but doors will open from 6.15pm A wide range of speakers!Live Music! Campaign videos! We have now arranged for a Lobby of Parliament for the same day – see below Chair of the event: Baroness Jenny Tonge Mark Lynas, Climate Change author; Guardian and New Statesman columnist Peter Ainsworth MP, Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment Nick Clegg,the leader of the Liberal Democrats Caroline Lucas MEP, Principal Speaker for the Green Party John McDonnell MP, Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington Brian Paddick, Liberal Democrat candidate for London Mayor Councillor Barbara Reid, Hounslow Council cabinet member, representing the 2M group of local authorities Carol Barbone,Campaign Director, Stop Stansted Expansion Leo Murray, Plane Stupid Geraldine Nicholson, Chair No Third Runway Action Group John Stewart, Chair HACAN |
(2). The Department for Transport put out for public consultation its plans to
expand Heathrow at the end of November. The plans are for a 3rd runway, a 6th
terminal and the end of runway alternation. The consultation closes on 27th February.
The Government is expected to announce it decision in the Summer.
(3). There will be an opportunity for people to lobby their MPs in Parliament
from 5pm – 10pm. see Lobby info
For further information contact:
John Stewart on 0207 737 6641 or 07957385650
Geraldine Nicholson on 01895 854519 or 07710 523369