Bournemouth Airport to install noise monitoring equipment in homes

2.1.2010   (UK Airport News)

People living near Bournemouth Airport will be able to have noise monitoring
equipment installed at their homes in a bid to minimise disturbance, the Daily
Echo reports. The airport has received several requests from residents, who are
keen to have noise levels measured from their property.   It now plans to collect
data from a number of locations, including Broadstone, Northbourne, Avon Tyrell
and Brockenhurst on a regular basis to see what impact the airport is having on
its neighbours. A mobile noise monitoring station will also be moved around the
area, including Canford Heath and Bearwood.

The pledge was made following public consultation on the airport’s draft noise
action plan. Other promises include encouraging noisy night time mail flights
to take off in a different direction and ensuring that aircraft reach greater
heights before turning off designated flightpaths. A dedicated complaints line
for residents to contact will also be more widely publicised.

A spokesman for Bournemouth Airport told the newspaper: ‘The consultation process
allowed the local community a valuable opportunity to feed back their views. As
a result we have introduced a number of specific measures that take account of
their concerns. A detailed report on the consultation process, the responses received
and our proposed actions is available on our website.’