Europe counts saved carbon emissions as flights stay grounded
tonnes of carbon dioxide, more than the annual emissions of many developing countries.
for a much higher proportion of emissions in European nations, which have many
frequent flyers. Aircraft are responsible for more than 6% of Britain’s CO2 emissions.
of CO2, or a third of the world’s aviation emissions.
days had been greater than the annual emissions of Malawi, Sierra Leone, Rwanda
and about 50 other developing countries.
video conferencing has skyrocketed as planes have been grounded. While volcanic
eruptions are not an everyday occurrence, surely the take-away message from the
past few days is that the world has not stopped revolving and people can find
alternatives to air travel. We hope that this will prompt people to stop and think
about whether their flight is really necessary."
because millions of business travellers have had to find alternative ways of communicating
— and some are likely to change their working habits permanently.