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No Airport Expansion! is a campaign group that aims to provide a rallying point for the many local groups campaigning against airport expansion projects throughout the UK.

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AirportWatch briefing sheets January 2011

Title:  Drawing up a new aviation policy

Date:     January 2010
Author:  AirportWatch
Length:   4 pages
Summary:   The new Government has an historic opportunity to be fair to other businesses
and industry by ending the favorable treatment enjoyed by aviation on tax and
Link:       New Aviation Policy document 

Title:  AirportWatch briefing on economics and aviation

Date:       January 2011
Author:    AirportWatch
Length:    8 pages
Summary:   The Government, as it begins to draw up its aviation policy in 2011, would
do well to take a long, hard look at what the aviation industry actually contributes
to the economy

Title:  “Aircraft Noise: Time for a rethink”

Date:       January 2011
Author:    AirportWatch
Length:    8 pages
Summary:   Although aircraft have become less noisy over the past three decades, this
gain has been

overwhelmed by a huge increase in the number of planes in the skies. The Government’s
new aviation policy, which it will begin to draw up in 2011, provides the opportunity
to rethink and update policy to take account of this new reality.