Responses from a range of organisations to the DfT’s Draft Aviation Policy Framework

The DfT recently consulted on the future aviation policy for the UK. This is he Aviation Policy Framework.  The DfT said, of the consultation: “The Government’s primary objective is to achieve long-term economic growth, and the DfT is unambiguous in its view that the aviation sector is a major contributor to the economy. The Draft Aviation Policy framework document sets out the Government’s overall objectives for aviation and the policies by which it hopes to achieve those objectives.   The DfT supports the growth of UK aviation, though it conceded this should be within a “framework which maintains a balance between the benefits of aviation and its costs, particularly climate change and noise.”  AirportWatch has gathered together a number of consultation responses from a range of organisations, AirportWatch members and others.



There is much more about the consultation at Draft Aviation Policy Framework consultation.

Consultation responses from the following organisations that are AirportWatch members:



Draft aviation policy framework –  BCAW Sept 2012 (Belfast City Airport Watch)  


Draft Aviation Policy Framework – SSE  (Stop Stansted Expansion)


Aviation Policy Framework Response – LLATVCC (London Luton Airport Town & Villages Communities Committee)


LADACAN response to DAPF consultation  (LADACAN at Luton)


 Aviation Policy Framework Consultation   (AirportWatch response).


Draft aviation policy framework response   (AEF – Aviation Environment Federation response)


Aviation Policy Framework reponse from HACAN  and Joint submission by HACAN with Heathrow Airport and BA


 Aviation Policy Framework Response  – Ealing Aircraft Noise Action Group


Aviation Policy Framework response from CPRE Kent  – (CPRE Kent)


Response to APF from CPRE Hampshire    (CPRE Hampshire)


More will be publicised in due course.

Some initial thoughts from John Stewart earlier in the summer


Responses from other organisations, that are not AirportWatch members:

Draft Aviation Policy Framework response – from Tandridge District Council


STACC Aviation Policy Framework Response – from Stansted Airport Consultative Committee


Response to the Aviation Policy Framework consultation PDF  London Assembly  (and statement about it)


Response to the Draft Aviation Policy Framework – The Air League


Giving wings to airports across the UK  – from Bristol Airport. They say  ”Bristol Airport has submitted a formal response to the DfT consultation on the Draft Framework, alongside a position paper containing policy proposals which would help rebalance the economy.   ‘Giving wings to airports across the UK’ sets out five recommendations for Government policy which would enable airports outside London to more effectively serve their local markets by making best use of existing capacity, easing congestion in the South East as a result.  More on this on their website.


“An Integrated Policy Framework for UK Aviation: Connecting the Economy for Jobs and Growth”   From the Airport Operators Association (AOA).  Not so much a consultation response but a long document in which the AOA sets out what they believe “a bold and integrated aviation policy would look like. It takes a cross-Government-departmental view on what is needed for UK aviation”


Draft Aviation Policy Framework consultation response   – from the CAA 


Draft Aviation Policy Framework consultation response  – from BATA (British Air Transport Assn)   And  Press release about it


“Wider Growth; wide connectivity” response to Draft APF   – by Birmingham Airport  and their press release about it


ABTA response to Draft Aviation Policy Framework  – ABTA  and press release about it


View the full ANEC response to the Department for Transport’s Draft Aviation Policy Framework –  Association of North East Councils 


Response to the Draft National Aviation Policy Framework consultation.  – Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation  


 West of England Aviation Policy Framework response  – West of England councils


Aviation Policy Framework response  – London Councils and their page about  it.


…. and there are many, many more …..