Transcripts of the Airports Commission’s 2 public evidence sessions and links to presentations

The Airports Commission have now published their verbatim transcripts of their two (and only) public evidence sessions, on 9th and 10th July.

The first session on 9th July (held in Manchester) was on climate, at which AEF (Tim Johnson and Cait Hewitt) and WWF (Jean Leston and Tom Vita) gave presentations, followed by the industry group, Sustainable Aviation (Matt Gorman and Jonathan Counsell).

The second session on 9th July was on demand and connectivity. SSE (Brian Ross) gave a presentation, followed by the CBI (Nicola Walker).

The 10th July session (held in London) was on Airport Operational Models 1. The morning session for BA (Willie Walsh), Heathrow (Colin Matthews), Mayor of London’s office (Daniel Moylan and Richard de Cani, TfL).

The second session on 10th July was also on Airport Operational Models 2, with evidence from EasyJet (Carolyn McCall), Birmingham Airport (Paul Kehoe), Gatwick Airport (Sir Roy McNulty) and MAG (Tim Hawkins).

Not all 13 organisations giving evidence at the two sessions submitted a visual presentation. There are links to the presentations that were given. The verbatim transcript cover what was said by others, including questions from the floor, and responses given.



 The Airports Commission main webpage is at


The Airports Commission page giving links to the presentations (not every organisation that gave a presentation submitted text or graphics) is at

 The two transcripts:


Public Evidence Sessions: aviation and climate change and demand and connectivity, 9 July 2013

Transcripts and supporting witness presentations from public evidence sessions held in Manchester on 9th July 2013.

PDF, 380KB, 52 pages 



Public Evidence Sessions:  Airport Operational Models, two sessions, 10 July 2013

Transcripts and supporting witness presentations from public evidence sessions held in London on 10th July 2013.

PDF, 410KB, 57 pages




The various presentations


Presentations for the evidence session on climate on 9th July:

Aviation Environment Federation presentation   312KB, 8 pages

WWF presentation     PDF, 495KB, 6 pages

Sustainable Aviation presentation [an industry body]  PDF, 227KB, 3 pages


For the evidence session on demand and connectivity on 9th July:

Stop Stansted Expansion presentation  PDF, 231KB, 10 pages


Presentations for the 10th July session on Airport Operational Models:

Mayor of London presentation (Daniel Moylan)    PDF, 323KB, 9 pages

Gatwick Airport presentation    PDF, 165KB, 6 pages

Birmingham Airport presentation     PDF, 311KB, 6 pages



Information from the Airports Commission website:

Thirteen organisations gave evidence to the commission on the subjects covered by our series of discussion papers which we published earlier this year.

The discussion papers set out the commissions’ current understanding of aviation demand forecasting, the role of aviation connectivity in the economy,aviation and climate change and the airport operational models employed by the industry and sought contributions from stakeholders to build the evidence base to inform its assessment of the UK’s future aviation need.

The public evidence sessions concluded the Airports Commission’s public engagement process on its discussion papers.

WitnessDiscussion paperSupporting presentationPublic evidence session number
Aviation environment federationAviation and climate changeYes1
WWFAviation and Climate ChangeYes1
Sustainable AviationAviation and Climate ChangeYes1
Stop Stansted ExpansionAviation Demand Forecasting and Connectivity and the EconomyYes1
CBIAviation Demand Forecasting and Connectivity and the EconomyNo1
ABTAAviation Demand Forecasting and Connectivity and the EconomyNo1
International Airlines GroupAirport Operational ModelsNo2
Heathrow Airport LtdAirport Operational ModelsNo2
Mayor of LondonAirport Operational ModelsYes2
easyJetAirport Operational ModelsNo2
Gatwick AirportAirport Operational ModelsYes2
Birmingham AirportAirport Operational ModelsYes2
Manchester Airports GroupAirport Operational ModelsNo2

