Survey by SellingUp/Populus shows the serious impact of plane noise on attitudes of house buyers
Date added: 9 November, 2015
The website guide on selling property, “Selling” had a survey done by Populus, into the impact of various negative features on the likelihood of getting an easy house sale. They looked at a range of things, like low energy efficiency, lack of storage space, poor mobile phone signal etc. They also looked at the impact of noisy neighbours and of noise from aeroplanes. The issues most likely to put off a buyer, so they would not proceed with a house purchase, were noisy neighbours and plane noise. The survey found for noisy neighbours, that 70% would not proceed with the sale when they know of the problem, and 17% would ask for a reduction in price. For plane noise, 41% would not proceed with the sale, and 34% would ask for money off, (including 23% who would ask for a “substantial amount or many thousands of £s off the price). The impact on the value of homes that are over-flown is a serious issue. Sellers are required to let a potential buyer know if they have a problem with noise. With the ambition of the industry to concentrate and narrow flight paths, meaning serious noise impacts for those below, this is a real concern – especially when there is no proper consultation about flight path changes, no legal redress and no compensation. (Compensation or double glazing is of no use if you want to enjoy a quiet garden) . Tweet
SellingUp/Populus survey: the property dealbreakers that could ruin your sale
Any estate agent will tell you about typical property buyers’ most obvious dealbreakers: think location, space, condition, transport links, crime, local schools and so on. But what about the many hidden factors that could make an otherwise keen property buyer reduce their offer – or worse, lose interest in the purchase entirely?
Does having a bad mobile reception matter to buyers more than living next door to a cemetery? What about energy efficiency – it may be a legal requirement but do buyers really take any notice of that Energy Performance Certificate?
SellingUp has conducted an exclusive survey with Populus, one of the UK’s leading market research firms, to look into some of the lesser known reasons that potential buyers may be put off entirely, or encouraged to make a reduced offer.
Survey question & summary of results
Populus, on behalf of SellingUp, asked a 1000+ sample of the general UK adult population the following question:
Imagine you are looking to buy a property, and you noticed there was an issue. To what extent do you think each of the following would influence your offer on the property?
Campaigners fighting against the expansion of the UK’s biggest airports, Heathrow and Gatwick, might feel vindicated by our survey when it comes to their concerns about the effect of airborne noise pollution on property values. A jumbo-sized41% of buyers would be prepared to see a purchase fly off into the horizon if they noticed serious noise from the skies above. More than one third (34%) of buyers would expect a price reduction (23% in the thousands and 11% in the hundreds of pounds) no doubt to make up for sleepless nights and the cost of triple glazing.
Below is just a part of the data given on the website:
Appeal by BAA Ltd and Stansted Airport Ltd following the refusal by Uttlesford District Council of planning application UTT/0717/06/FUL Proof of Evidence on behalf of Stop Stansted Expansion Economic Impacts Housing Market
Aircraft noise reducing property prices by up to 30% near Frankfurt airport
June 15, 2012
Residents in Frankfurt, whose homes are now blighted by noise from the new 4th runway, that produces much more aircraft noise than expected, now know their property values are being seriously reduced. A recent study found the decline is up to 30%, in 20 communities around the airport. Those who can afford to are moving out of the area. The cost of compensating all those affected would be enormous, and so they are saying that the noise has to be reduced substantially.
Over 1,000 claims for compensation from Southend Airport due to loss in value of homes, because of aircraft noise
June 5, 2013
Southend Airport – which has had a huge and very rapid rise in the number of aircraft using the airport over the past year – has received more than 1,000 claims for compensation over aircraft noise. Homeowners nearby are concerned that the airport is reducing the value of their properties, due to the noise. The airport has said it will honour residents’ compensation claims if it is proven their homes have lost value because of its activities. Jon Fuller, of local group SAEN (Stop Airport Expansion and Noise) said that estate agents are giving strong indications local residents must expect many thousands of pounds less than they expect when they sell their homes. Though house prices in the area are generally fairly buoyant, if houses are close to the airport or on the flight path prices are suppressed. The airport’s CEO, Alistair Welch said people can make a compensation claim up to a year after the new terminal is finished. Surveyors, Michael Marriott, who are helping people submit claims say they can only claim for nuisances arising from the use of the runway extension. Nuisances arising from the use of the airport which do not depend upon the extension will be disregarded.
600 homes to finally get £1,500 compensation for building of Manchester 2nd runway
June 15, 2012
Nearly 600 homeowners and 6 schools in Knutsford and Mobberley are to get a pay out for the building of Manchester Airport’s 2nd runway. This will come from the airport’s owner, the Manchester Airports Group. The householders say claimed their properties were devalued due to the noise from the planes since the runway opened in 2001. The schools will get £1,300 each. This has been brokered by local MP, the Chancellor George Osborne, and Jeff Gazzard. Two years ago 300 Knutsford and Mobberley residents were compensated. This is the final compensation and the end of an 11 year battle. The total payout comes to £1 million. The airport will also pay the council tax precept, £117,702. which is levied to fund Knutsford town council and Mobberley parish council, for one year.