“Aviation Climate Alliance” – first newsletter – what could the post-Covid aviation sector look like?
Many organisations are united in their determination that when the aviation sector emerges from the Covid pandemic and lockdown, it will have to be slimmed down, and commit to effective and real cuts in its carbon emissions. There will need to be low-carbon jobs, in place of jobs in high carbon sectors that will need to change. A new informal grouping has been formed, between trade union and environmental campaigners, to help push for environmental and climate conditions being placed on any government assistance for the aviation sector, and more “green” jobs in future. It is named the “Aviation Climate Alliance”, and its membership includes AirportWatch, the PCS union, the Stay Grounded movement, the Campaign Against Climate Change, and the Aviation Communities Forum (ACA). It will produce regular newsletters, putting many of the news items and relevant pieces of information together, to help campaigners access the news and facts. The first newsletter has been produced, and can be seen here . It was kindly put together by Tahir Latif, of the PCS union. To be added to the mailing list, tahirlatif51@icloud.com.
The first newsletter of the Aviation Climate Alliance (ACA) is here
About the ACA
The Aviation Climate Alliance is an association of existing groups who share a concern about the impact of aviation on climate change.
The ACA is a forum for focusing on that subject, with the objective of harnessing the collective strength of participants to produce positive change.
Not all participants have exactly the same views but we do have a common aim of reducing aviation’s impact on the environment and a commitment to open debate of the means of achieving that aim.
About this communication
This newsletter is the first communication under the ACA banner. The intention is to bring together the mass of information, speculation and proposals being discussed for what a post-Covid-19 aviation industry could look like, and for how we use the opportunity of the hiatus in flying to make impending climate breakdown a clear priority for our future transport system.
Hence this particular newsletter functions as a gathering of information already extant.
Future communications will present more detailed debates around particular aspects, but our initial intention is to show that the diversity of material presented or linked here clearly demonstrates that this is a real movement – not just the ideas of one or two isolated individuals.
We hope you find it useful.
We want the alliance to grow – any and all organisations, campaign groups and activists with a positive contribution to make are welcome.
To be added to the mailing list, email tahirlatif51@icloud.com
See the whole newsletter at