DfT launches new technical consultation on its “jet zero” (ie. huge future SAF use) plans

The UK government currently does not have an aviation policy, and is aware that this will first require policy decisions on aviation carbon emissions.  It hopes that air travel demand will not need to be reduced (the most effective way to control the level of emissions) but instead hopes for “jet zero” flying, largely using novel fuels. These are called SAF (sustainable aviation fuels) and the hope is that they emit less carbon, over their lifecycle, than conventional jet fuel. Now the government has opened a consultation which it calls “Further consultation on the updated evidence and analysis to inform the different pathways to achieve net zero aviation – or jet zero – by 2050.” It lasts until 25th April. There was an initial consultation on “jet zero” in July 2021. This consultation is technical (so not easy for most people to respond to). The consultation is unrealistically hoping there might be 50% of SAF use by 2050, with 27% of flights being “net zero” by 2050. It also assumes a continuous 2% increase in efficiency each year, and a 70% increase in air passengers (cf. 2018) when the earlier estimate was a 60% increase.  



Jet zero: updated evidence and analysis to inform our strategy for net zero aviation


Further consultation on the updated evidence and analysis to inform the different pathways to achieve net zero aviation – or jet zero – by 2050.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

The Jet zero: our strategy for net zero aviation consultation published in July 2021 set out our vision and strategic framework for achieving net zero aviation by 2050.

New tools and information now available have allowed us to further develop our analysis, to inform our final jet zero strategy.

This consultation invites views on the new evidence and updated analysis described in the Jet zero: further technical consultation document and accompanying Jet zero: modelling framework.

In light of this additional evidence, if you have further comments on our approach to achieving jet zero by 2050, please respond to the questions at paragraph 1.6 on page 5 in the Jet zero: further technical consultation document.

All responses to this further technical consultation will be considered alongside responses to the initial jet zero consultation.

You only need to submit a response to this consultation if the updated evidence and analysis change your response to the initial consultation.


This file is in an OpenDocument format

This consultation invites views on the new evidence and updated analysis described in the Jet zero: further technical consultation document and accompanying Jet zero: modelling framework.

Final note, the UK Government reference responses to the SAF Mandate Consultation which you can read through here if you’re a real sucker for punishment:

Ways to respond

Email to:


Write to:

Aviation Decarbonisation Division
Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR


See earlier:

Jet Zero consultation – what it says on “Influencing Consumers” – keep flying, depend on techno-optimism

The DfT has launched its consultation, called “Jet Zero” on how the UK might decarbonise flights, by 2050. One really effective way to do that would be to reduce the demand for air travel, which is what the Climate Change Committee  (CCC) recommended. The CCC said (24th June) “Lack of ambition for aviation demand management would result in higher emissions of 6.4 MtCO2e/year in 2030 relative to the CCC pathway for aviation emissions.” But the Jet Zero consultation just says “We want to preserve the ability for people to fly whilst supporting consumers to make sustainable travel choices.” And “This Government is committed to tackling the CO2 emissions from flights, whilst preserving the ability for people to fly.” And “we currently believe the sector can achieve Jet Zero without the Government needing to intervene directly to limit aviation growth” and cut aviation CO2 by as much as the CCC says is needed, but by other means – SAF, hydrogen, electric planes etc. It then says it will “seek to address residual carbon emissions through robust, verifiable offsets and additional greenhouse gas removals.” And it acknowledges that these are all “currently at a relatively early stage of development and [their deployment] requires collaboration and commitment across all parts of the sector if it is to succeed.” It also considers carbon information for flights, but only so people can still fly, but choose different airline options.


Jet Zero consultation – what it says on “sustainable aviation fuels” (spoiler…crazy over-optimism)

The DfT’s consultation (ends 8th September) on reducing aviation carbon emissions, “Jet Zero” places a lot of faith in finding novel, low carbon fuels, so people can continue to fly as much as they want. These are called “Sustainable Aviation Fuels” (SAF). The consultation says SAF “could play a key role in decarbonising aviation, whilst also representing an industrial leadership opportunity for the UK.” The economic opportunity aspect, and producing jobs, is key for the DfT.  They say “Many experts view SAF as the only alternative for long-haul flights up to 2050, which are the flights with the biggest climate impact.” The DfT is hoping SAF could “result in over 70% CO2 emissions saving on a lifecycle basis and could deliver net zero emissions with the addition of greenhouse gas removal technologies.” SAF would either be biogenic, non-biogenic (from wastes) or made using zero-carbon electricity.  There are huge problems, glossed over by the consultation. A key problem is that “there is currently no comprehensive global regulatory standard for SAF sustainability. The UK is therefore active at ICAO in negotiating for a full set of sustainability criteria for SAF.” The DfT “will shortly consult on a UK SAF mandate setting out our level of ambition for future SAF uptake.” 



