Belfast City Airport (George Best)

– General information about Belfast City Airport (below)
– Some recent NEWS about Belfast City Airport
– Local community group – Belfast City Airport Watch
– Roof damage and wake vortex due to planes
– Why Northern Ireland needs a regional aviation strategy -A briefing paper from Belfast City Airport Watch (3 pages)
General information about Belfast City Airport:
Airport Master Plan:
In January 2005, George Best Belfast City Airport published an Outline Plan up to 2015. During 2005, this Outline Plan was developed into a Draft Master Plan to 2030. Public consultation on the Draft Master Plan closed at the end on 2005, and the final Master Plan was then completed. This document provides an overview of potential development at the airport, and is available here in a downloadable format.
Belfast Ciry Airport Master Plan at
Key details of Master Plan:
Passengers – 2005 = 2,217,000
Passengers – 2015 = 2,900,000
Passengers – 2030 = 3,173,000
The forecasts within the Plan are predicated on the assumption that some form of runway re-configuration will take place to accommodate some further charter operations. (lengthening? “starter strips?) Page 20 of master plan.
Noise restrictions and noise data, by airport alphabetically, from Boeing
Belfast City Airport. Boeing noise data page
Belfast City Airport. Flights and CO2 emissions.
Analysis of flights, routes, and top 10 destinations from Belfast City Airport in 2011. Also carbon emissions.
And passenger growth and numbers over the past 15 years.
Terminal Passengers
UK Airport Statistics: 2012 – annual (Table 10.3) Terminal Passengers 2002 – 2012
2009 2,621,996 (up 2% on 2008)
2008 2,570,741 (up 17.5% on 2007)
2006 2,106
2005 2,237
2000 1,288
1996 1,360
Air Transport Movements
UK Airport Statistics: 2012 – annual (Table 4.2) ATMs 2002 – 2012
2010 39,000 (up +3% on 2009) link to 2010 data
2006 37
2005 37
2000 33
1996 35
Air Freight
UK Airport Statistics: 2012 – annual (Table 13.2) Freight 2002 – 2012
2010 155 (up + 12% on 2009) link to 2010 data
2006 827
2005 516
2000 820
1996 1,236
Airport Contact Details:
Belfast BT3 9JH Northern Ireland
Tel: 028 9093 9093 Email:
Aerial view of airport
Runway: 04/22 1,829 metres 6,001 feet
2006 97.4%
2007 95.7%
2008 97.3%
Business Aviation: Number of business flights (= private jets)
CAA statistics, annual figures – Table 3.1
Local community group:
Belfast City Airport Watch is the local group that includes and represents many local community groups and residents’ associations (see list below) in opposing the airport’s expansion plans.
Contact Dr Liz Fawcett Contact
The vortex roof tiles damage issue:
Jun 2011 210,920 – 19.6%
May 2011 207,540 – 9.5%
Sep 2010 250,847 + 13.2%
Aug 2010 277,736 +15.4%
- Aer Arann (Cork)
- bmi (London-Heathrow)
- Flybe (Aberdeen, Birmingham, Cardiff, Doncaster/Sheffield, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow-International, Inverness, Jersey, Leeds/Bradford, London-Gatwick, Manchester, Newcastle, Rennes, Southampton)
- operated by Loganair (Dundee)
- Manx2 (Blackpool, Isle of Man)
- Ryanair (East Midlands, Glasgow-Prestwick, Liverpool, London-Stansted)
Website says: “Our policy is to respond to all complaints where the complainant has provided us with an address. Please Click Here to submit a complaint.
Alternatively you may lodge a complaint by telephone by ringing 028 9093 5020 – this is a dedicated Noise Telephone Complaint service where your message will be recorded.”