Protests over Royal Mail Southampton Airport night flight plans

13.6.2008   (UK Airport News)

Royal Mail bosses are making a controversial bid to introduce night flights at
Southampton Airport.    

They want to divert their regular service into Bournemouth Airport for  6 months
while work is carried out on the runway.  
However, the proposal has prompted a storm of protest and could be blocked by
strict legal controls over night flying at Southampton, which were agreed years

Royal Mail currently operates a mail flight into Bournemouth every weekday at
02:30.   However, the airport will not be available for the night flight from July
until February 2009 because of resurfacing work on the runway.

A Royal Mail spokesman said: ‘I can confirm Royal Mail will be making representations
to the council next week about using Southampton Airport for about six months
while runway work is carried out at Bournemouth Airport.’

However, Southampton Airport have also given the mail night flight plan a cool
reception.   A spokeswoman said:   ‘We do not have any plans to open in the middle
of the night for service by the Royal Mail.     Indeed there is a strict legal agreement
in place with Eastleigh Borough Council that would not permit it.’

Eastleigh council has already told Royal Mail informally that it is unlikely
to agree to its request given the need to protect the interests of local people,
but Eastleigh Local Area Committee will now formally consider the response next

13.06.08 Protests over Royal Mail Southampton Airport night flight plans