Fight the Flights’ response to the Plane Stupid action at City Airport
that the climate change activists feel in getting their voices, and concerns heard
on aviation expansion, and how aviation is one of the fastest growing sources
of CO2 emissions.
non violent direct action because the system is failing people of their democratic
rights to protect their communities, futures and their environment from harmful
‘runaway’ airport and flight expansion.
by the increasing excessive noise levels from London City Airport upon expansion,
and yet less than 10,000 were claimed to have been consulted by the London Borough
of Newham. Most will not be entitled to any noise insulation. They will have
to live with the consequences every day of their lives, each time a flight takes
off and lands. The majority do not have the option to move, and many lived in
the area long before the airport’s creation.
residents out of the 406 directly employed staff the airport claim to employ.
by the Metropolitan Police over the past 5 years, which the airport refuse to
by 50% and was termed as ‘toxic’ but this was not acknowledged by the London Borough
of Newham. In a borough which has the highest level of mortality in under 30s
with asthma in the whole country, Newham should be focussing on improving air
quality, not adding to the pollution by approving further expansion at this residentially
situated airport in the most densely populated area of England.
London Borough of Newham when providing evidence against the expansion. Requests
for a public inquiry into the planned 50% expansion of flights at London City
Airport was refused by Hazel Blears, Secretary of State in 2008, whilst the London
Borough of Newham showed no concern that 100s of homes in Greenwich will now be
in the crash zone and failed to address the risk to residents and communities
who live, work or travel through the crash zone in both Newham and Greenwich.
to the aviation industry at the expense of the communities: this is expansion
at any cost.
on third party safety, increasing pollution levels, the effect on residents’ health
and children’s development, and the contribution to climate change, it is no wonder
that we are seeing actions such as this more frequently.