Your chance to stop the expansion of Bristol International Airport
recent planning application.
This will mean more traffic on country roads, more noise day and night, more
countryside eaten up by car parking, and more climate changing impacts.
as many tourists are outbound rather than inbound, leading to £700m being drained from the UK economy each year. Expansion will make this worse.
but local tourist destinations have seen more visitors than last year.
these are within the airport and the rest of the jobs appear to be wishful thinking.
The outflow of tourism spending destroys far more jobs than this. Even 800 jobs
looks high when the expansion is based on no-frills airlines.
Business passengers can already use BIA to reach anywhere in the world through
Paris, Amsterdam and Newark. Expansion would not bring any significant change
to this, it is targeted at outbound tourists.
We have 6 weeks to tell North Somerset council why this expansion is not needed,
and why it is bad for the economy as well as the environment.
You can object to the expansion in the following ways:
Neil Underhay, re: application 09/P/1020/OT2
Development Control
North Somerset Council
Somerset House
Oxford Street
Weston super Mare
BS23 1TG
Deadline – 7th August 2009.
You can also help SBAE (Stop Bristol Airport Expansion) in the following ways:
1) forward this email to any people you think may be interested
2) help to distribute printed leaflets (please contact
the impacts far outweigh the benefits by visiting our website:
greenbelt, particularly in the area around Bristol, please visit
of the Regional Spatial Strategy.
Stop Bristol Airport Expansion Ltd
a non-profit company limited by guarantee, number 6843411