Comments by Zac Goldsmith and Boris Johnson on the government runway statement
Date added: 10 December, 2015
Zac said he was “absolutely delighted” that the Government has acknowledged that the airports decision cannot be made without further environmental tests – “after much campaigning, the Government has heard the arguments, seen sense and taken this course of action.” …”We know that any airport expansion must meet our legally binding carbon, noise and air quality limits”. …”The choice has always been between an outdated model which would lead to higher costs and less choice, or investing in a network of well connected and competing airports.” Boris said: “Time to jettison the 3rd runway, chuck it overboard… it ain’t gonna happen”. He said many will think a 3rd runway at Heathrow is “pathetically unambitious”….”A lot of people will see this as just more fudge-erama to push a decision beyond the Mayoral elections.” He said Heathrow expansion has been “officially grounded” despite airport officials putting a “superhuman effort into bouncing the Government into a quick decision in their favour”….”The wheels are falling off the Heathrow fuselage” and Heathrow will realise that “due to the environmental impacts, the legal obstacles and the cost to the public purse, this bird will never fly.” He still has hopes for the Thames estuary …
Also Ray Puddifoot comment below.
Comment by Zac Goldsmith, MP and Conservative London Mayoral candidate:
Today the Government has acknowledged that the airports decision cannot be made without further environmental tests.
The shortlisted options for expansion, including Heathrow and Gatwick, now have to go back to the drawing board and prove that their plans are consistent with tackling air pollution.
I am absolutely delighted that, after much campaigning, the Government has heard the arguments, seen sense and taken this course of action.
We know that any airport expansion must meet our legally binding carbon, noise and air quality limits. There can be no doubt that in a fair contest on air quality, Heathrow will not win.
That is good news for London. We have a massive opportunity now to remove the threat of Heathrow expansion once and for all, and to press for an intelligent approach to London’s connectivity.
The choice has always been between an outdated model which would lead to higher costs and less choice, or investing in a network of well connected and competing airports.
If elected Mayor I will continue to make the case for the latter and bring the same focus and discipline to getting things done for Londoners.
Today has demonstrated why it is so important that London elects a Mayor who can fight for Londoners’ interests and get results.
Telegraph said:
The delay means that Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative candidate for Mayor of London who is opposed to Heathrow expansion, will not have to fulfill a pledge to resign as a Conservative MP.
It raises the prospect that Boris Johnson, the current Mayor of London, could have to resign over the issue if he joins the Cabinet next year.
Posted: Thursday, December 10th, 2015. Filed in General News, News about Airports, Recent News.