Packed first public meeting of new anti-Heathrow expansion group, BASHR3 in Hounslow
Nearly 200 residents packed out a church hall to attend the launch meeting of a new local anti-Heathrow expansion group – BASHR3. The first public meeting of Brentford and Hounslow Stop Heathrow Expansion (BASH Runway 3) meeting on March 21st was a lively event, with speeches from Ruth Cadbury (Brentford & Isleworth MP), John Stewart of HACAN, and Maggie Thorburn, from Friends of the Earth. Putting profits and pollution before people were high on the agenda and there were serious concerns that tens of thousands more people in Brentford, Isleworth, Osterley, Chiswick and Hounslow will be affected by a third runway. Ruth Cadbury was adamant that the threat of a third runway would be eradicated, and many claims made by Heathrow of how they would deal with problems such as noise, air pollution and carbon emissions were “laughable.” …Ruth believes that “Together, we’ll see off the threat to our area for good.” The 3rd runway means the massive intrusion of aircraft noise into the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, who not currently under a flight path. Being overflown for the first time would come as a deeply unpleasant shock for many, and the DfT has made no attempt to give out information about who would be affected. Air pollution will also become worse across the constituency as a result of the traffic generated by the extra cars and lorries on the local and motorway road network.
Heathrow third runway: New anti-expansion group claims ‘profit is being put ahead of people’
Congested roads, pollution and noise were discussed at the first gathering held by new local group BASH Runway 3
BY SALINA PATEL (Get West London)
23 MAR 2017
Nearly 200 residents packed out a church hall to attend the launch meeting of a new local anti-Heathrow expansion group.
Putting profits and pollution before people were high on the agenda at the Brentford and Hounslow Stop Heathrow Expansion (BASH Runway 3) meeting on Tuesday (March 21).
The campaign group also believes tens of thousands more people in Brentford , Isleworth , Osterley , Chiswick and Hounslow will be affected by a third runway.
Anti-Heathrow expansion group BASH Runway 3 hold first meeting to fight third runway. MP Ruth Cadbury spoke at the meeting (Lots of photos available on the web link below).
The crowds were addressed by Brentford & Isleworth MP Ruth Cadbury , John Stewart from anti-expansion group HACAN and Maggie Thorburn from West London Friends of the Earth.
Ms Cadbury was adamant that together the threat of a third runway would be eradicated, adding certain claims made by Heathrow Airport were “laughable.”
Putting profits and pollution before people was discussed at the first meeting held by new anti-Heathrow expansion group BASHR3
“Together, we’ll see off the threat to our area for good,” she said.
“Heathrow expansion means hundreds of thousands of people not currently under a flight path will be overflown for the first time.
“Air pollution will also become worse across the constituency as a result of the traffic generated by the extra cars and lorries on the local and motorway road network.
“Heathrow’s claims that Runway 3 can be delivered without any increase in vehicles using the airport is laughable.”
Living under Heathrow’s flightpath increases risk of stroke and heart disease a report claims
The meeting was held at Brentford Free Church on Boston Manor Road.
Other issues covered included:
– increased congestion of local roads
– expansion of the M4
– local air quality
– the substantial increase in aircraft noise with an additional runway flight path
– air quality falling below legal limits
– the perceived lack of opposition to the plans from Hounslow Council
Dave Waller, chairman of BASH Runway 3, which was created earlier this year, added: “It was great to see so many local residents come along to our first public meeting, where many residents raised serious concerns with what Heathrow expansion really means for our area.
“It makes me angry that once again profit is being put ahead of people, ahead of human health and ahead of a generation of children who will be blighted with asthma as a result of 250,000 more planes per year in our area.”
The group has also joined the new coalition No Third Runway , along with 17 other anti-expansion groups, councils and MPs.
The group vows there is more to come in the coming weeks to help put a stop to the expansion of Heathrow.
See also:
Major new coalition launched to fight Heathrow 3rd runway
A major new coalition has been launched to fight the proposed 3rd runway at Heathrow. The coalition is formally backed already by 18 local campaign groups, including to name a few, Stop Heathrow Expansion (SHE), HACAN, Teddington Action Group (TAG) and recently formed BASH Runway 3 (based in Brentford). More groups are expected to join in the coming weeks. The coalition also has the support of 5 local authorities as well as leading politicians from all main parties. The aim of the coalition is to put additional pressure on the Government to drop plans for the runway, building upon the work of existing opponents including campaign groups, local authorities and MPs. It will provide opponents of the runway a platform, allowing them to work effectively together – including support from MPs to the heroic local Councils challenging Heathrow in the courts. The coalition will work to highlight issues – including noise, air pollution and economics – with the DfT’s current, deeply flawed, consultation on the Heathrow National Policy Statement (NPS). Though the DfT has held 20 consultation exhibition events across west London, Berkshire and Surrey, considerable numbers of residents were left disappointed that there was no information on locations of new flight paths, and that will not be presented until much later in the process.
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See earlier:
Heston residents and businesses can breathe a sigh of relief as M4 widening plans will not go ahead
MP for Feltham and Heston Seema Malhotra raised concerns in Parliament over confusion on M4 proposals
BY SALINA PATEL (Get West London)
3 FEB 2017
Plans to widen the M4 following the proposed Heathrow expansion which would impact residents and businesses in Heston have been denied.
Concerns were raised in Parliament by local MP Seema Malhotra on Thursday (February 2).
However transport secretary, Chris Grayling, confirmed there is no such plan in place, however there are proposals to create a smart motorway on the M4.
In a letter to Chris Grayling dated January 31, Ms Malhotra said: “I understand the department made a statement to the media to the effect that this proposal will not be going ahead and that there are no current plans for land acquisition of property in the vicinity of Winchester Avenue.
“However, recent Parliamentary Written Answers to me seem to again suggest that the proposal is under consideration.”
Original references were made to widening the M4 in the Airports Commission surface access strategic road network proposals, published by Highways England in October.
Speaking in parliament, Ms Malhotra added: “The document includes proposals to widen the M4.
She added: “The government made a statement to the media two weeks ago to the effect that that would not go ahead, but the answers to written questions that I have received have not been so clear.
“Will the Secretary of State confirm that those proposals will not go ahead, and that there will be no land or property acquisition in Heston?”
The question was raised on the day that the government’s public consultation on a third runway at Heathrow were published.
In response Mr Grayling said in Parliament: “I can be absolutely clear about this.
“There is no plan to widen the M4, although there is a plan to create a smart motorway on the M4.
“There is no plan that I am aware of, or that I have discussed in any way, shape or form, to start buying houses in her constituency for a wider M4, and I have not seen a budget for that either, so she can take it from me that there is no plan to widen the M4.”