Heathrow seeks Chair for new “independent Community Engagement Board” – applications till 14th January
Date added: 19 December, 2017
Heathrow and the Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee (HACC), have launched a campaign to recruit a high-profile Chair to head a new “independent Community Engagement Board (CEB).” Heathrow says the “CEB will take on the role of the current consultative committee and was a recommendation by the Airports Commission, drawing on best practice from European hub airports. … The influential Chair will lead the CEB which will play an important role in building trust between the airport and its communities making sure that Heathrow delivers its commitments today and in the future. It will also play a crucial role during the planning process for the proposed expansion of Heathrow to check that communities are meaningfully engaged in Heathrow’s public consultations over the coming months and years.” The CEB is not only for local communities – it is to “play a key role in ensuring airport stakeholders, local authorities, communities, passengers and interest groups.” Applications for the role are through Gatenby Sanderson, with the deadline for applications the 14th January 2018. “The Chair will be appointed by a panel representative of the existing HACC, government, Heathrow and a nominated community representative” … The job of Chair will be two days per week, working for and paid by Heathrow, salary to be agreed. The Chair will lead the “CEB through its formative stages, setting strategic direction and overseeing the delivery of a work programme as well as creating a diverse board.”
Heathrow seeks Chair for new independent Community Engagement Board
18.12.2017 (Heathrow press release)
Heathrow Airport, alongside the Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee (HACC), have launched a campaign to recruit a high-profile Chair to head up the new independent Community Engagement Board (CEB).
The CEB will take on the role of the current consultative committee and was a recommendation by the Airports Commission, drawing on best practice from European hub airports.
The influential Chair will lead the CEB which will play an important role in building trust between the airport and its communities making sure that Heathrow delivers its commitments today and in the future. It will also play a crucial role during the planning process for the proposed expansion of Heathrow to check that communities are meaningfully engaged in Heathrow’s public consultations over the coming months and years.
The CEB will be established in the New Year and will act as the focal point for engagement between the airport, local authorities, community groups and passengers. The Chair will be appointed by a panel representative of the existing HACC, government, Heathrow and a nominated community representative through an open process run by established executive search firm, Gatenby Sanderson. Closing date for applications is 14 January 2018.
Deputy Chair of the HACC Steering Group Brian Yates, said:
“The appointment of a Chair will be a major early milestone in the establishment of this newly created Board which aims to build on the strength of the existing consultative committee. We are looking for a seasoned leader who will have the gravitas and experience to represent the diverse airport communities – residents, local authorities, passengers and pressure groups – at the highest levels of government and, of course, to the airport too.”
Heathrow’s Chief Executive Officer John Holland-Kaye, said:
“The arrival of the Community Engagement Board is a demonstration of Heathrow’s commitment to deliver and contribute to world-class local engagement, both as part of today’s airport operations and future expansion plans. We look forward to working with the successful candidate who will help us make sure Heathrow delivers expansion fairly and responsibly so that we maximise the benefits for our local communities.”
One of the tasks of the Heathrow Consultative Committee is to oversee the process of appointing a chair of the Community Engagement Board which HACC will become.
Adverts have gone out for the post – http://appointments.thesundaytimes.co.uk/job/455118/chair-of-community-engagement-board/?LinkSource=PremiumListing .
At the meeting of the HACC Steering Group on 18th December, which the DfT attend, the DfT suggested that the AirportWatch might like to put a link to the advert on its website. The Steering Group, with the backing of Heathrow and the DfT, wants to encourage applications from people who have opposed a 3rd runway and/or have proven skills in liaising with local communities. Anybody who has been a vocal supporter of a third runway will be ruled out as will anybody who has done work for the aviation industry. Christine Taylor (of Stop Heathrow Expansion, SHE) has been co-opted on to the Steering Group for the purpose of short-listing candidates. John Stewart (Hacan) is on the Steering Group
Chair – Community Engagement Board
Employer Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee (HACC) SectorCentral Government Location London Salary£competitive pro rata for 2 days per week
Closing Date15/01/2018Ad-refGSe38790
The Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee (HACC) and Heathrow Airport are seeking a high profile and influential Chair to head up a newly constituted Community Engagement Board (CEB). The CEB will take on the role of the current consultative committee as the key focal point for engagement with the airport by local authorities, community and interest groups and passengers. It will also play a crucial role during the planning phase of Heathrow’s expansion plans, starting in early 2018 and beyond, as envisaged by the draft Airports National Policy Statement, but will operate and grow independent of expansion.
As Chair you will lead the CEB through its formative stages, setting strategic direction and overseeing the delivery of a work programme as well as creating a diverse board. You will represent the CEB at the highest level with Government, local authorities, Heathrow leadership and the media and engage proactively with communities, building a comprehensive understanding of local sentiments
To succeed in this role you must have independence of thought, acute political awareness and the ability to communicate and influence at all levels, building credibility with a wide group of stakeholders. A seasoned leader, with strong board experience, you will probably have experience in engaging with and representing communities and working in the public spotlight. You must also have drive, commitment and impartiality to ensure the CEB makes immediate impact.
For an informal, confidential discussion, please contact our advising consultants Michael Dobson on 0207 426 3960 or Mark Turner on 020 7426 3983 at GatenbySanderson.
Closing date for applications: Monday, 15 January 2018
To view the job description and person specification, please scroll to the bottom of the page, tick to agree to the privacy policy, then click ‘Continue to full details’.
Timetable of the recruitment process
Closing date for applications Mon 15th Jan
Job Specification
Chair –
Community Engagement Board
Heathrow is one of the world’s busiest airports, handling 76 million passengers each year. It is the UK’s only hub airport and the country’s biggest port by value for trade outside the European Union. Yet some of Heathrow’s most important stakeholders are closest to the airport and it is those communities that now require stronger representation.
The Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee (HACC) and Heathrow are seeking an influential Chair to head up the newly constituted Community Engagement Board. Similar bodies have appointed independent, proactive, and high profile public figures.
The Chair is expected to be the focal point for public engagement between Heathrow and the different communities around the airport. The Community Engagement Board (CEB) will play a key role in ensuring airport stakeholders, local authorities, communities, passengers and interest groups can influence and shape the airport’s expansion proposals over the planning phase, as set out in the Draft Airports National Policy Statement.
The CEB will also be responsible for delivering the functions of the Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee under the Civil Aviation Act 1982, considering and commenting on the airport’s current administration and operations.
Heathrow intends to begin consulting on emerging plans for expansion in early 2018. A further round of statutory consultation will follow around 12 months later, after which Heathrow will submit its application for a Development Consent Order(DCO) under the Planning Act 2008, currently planned for 2020.
There will also be three stages of consultation on airspace changes required to accommodate the new runway final stage of which will take place after a DCO is granted for expansion. The CEB is a permanent evolution in Heathrow’s engagement and so will operate and grow independent of expansion. In the event of consent being granted for a new runway, currently expected in 2021, it is intended that the CEB will continue to play an important role during the construction and operation of an expanded Heathrow.
The Community Engagement Board (CEB) is required to:
• Continue the functions of an airport consultative committee under the section 35 of the Civil Aviation Act (currently performed by the HACC);
• Identify and undertake additional functions during the Heathrow expansion planning phase to meet the requirement of the Government’s draft Airports National Policy Statement which refers to the creation of an independent community engagement board; and
• perform any other functions during the construction and operational phases of expansion as may be agreed during the planning process.
Key responsibilities of the CEB
A. Engagement with the many communities with an interest in the operation and expansion of the airport:
i. Identify priorities and develop work programmes to ensure excellent working relationships between the CEB and the airport users (including airlines and passenger groups), local authorities, local communities and interest groups.
ii. Become the focal point for community engagement through a series of workshops and meetings ensuring that stakeholders, in particular local communities, can contribute effectively to the expansion process. This will likely include responding to Heathrow-led consultations and evidence gathering during the expansion process.
iii. Be a central repository of information and independent source of information, including from expert bodies, for stakeholders; develop a trusted advisory role providing easily accessible, impartial expert advice to communities, especially those most vulnerable and most affected.
iv. Engage with other key groups such as the Heathrow Strategic Planning Group (HSPG) and the proposed Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN) to ensure these bodies complement each other.
B. Consider where the CEB should further act to progress its aims, covering a variety of topics such as community consultation and engagement, compensation programmes, local transport and air quality, economic development and community investment, airport operations, noise and airspace, through:
i. collection of information through stakeholder engagement and from the commissioning of further work or drawing upon expert advisory bodies
ii. consideration of this information to develop advice, eg. the development of compensation and mitigation packages so they are delivered in a way that most benefits communities. This could include the development of a noise envelope, how respite and other Heathrow commitments are best delivered.
iii. facilitation of discussion forums with a view to identifying common ground across local authorities and communities and the airport and airlines
C. Influence, advise and monitor the airport, Government, airlines and local authorities:
i. Influence through engagement at the highest levels including key decision makers, for example engaging with and influencing the airport throughout the planning process in terms of shaping the design of the airport, compensation and mitigation packages
ii. Advise on range of issues the CEB has developed expertise via the collection and consideration of information Monitor developments including the delivery of Heathrow’s commitments and the development of government policies that have an impact on the airport’s communities or [sic – there is nothing added here …. AW note]
Overall responsibility of the Chair
• Set the strategic direction of the CEB through finalising the Terms of Reference, the agreement and delivery of a work programme and finalising membership, to ensure effective delivery of the CEB’s objectives. This includes overall financial responsibility for the CEB.
• Represent the CEB at the highest level with Ministers, senior Government officials, local authority Leaders and Heathrow leadership and media.
• Lead engagement with onsite and offsite stakeholders to ensure that the views of all are recorded and considered.
• Comprehensive understanding of local sentiment for example through chairing resident workshops and meetings, and meeting with local authorities.
• To promote equality and diversity within the role. • Act independently, with integrity, and give impartial advice.
• To act in accordance with the Nolan Principles of Public Life.
Experience and Skills
• Independent and impartial:
• He/she should not be identified with any sectoral interest within the aviation industry or other industries closely associated with Heathrow and its communities, in order to maintain the confidence of stakeholders and communities
• Strong political awareness
• Excellent communication and influencing skills:
o Provide effective challenge to the highest levels across the industry and government.
o Engage effectively at a personal level with individual members of a community
o Communicate with and present to the media if required (interviews for TV, radio and print)
• Community engagement:
o Experience of realising an organisation’s commitment to broad-based community engagement
• High-profile Chair / CEO board / committee experience: o Managing diverse boards and their differences of opinion to effect collective responsibility for decision making o Recognising and further develop the diverse talents and contributions of individual CEB members o Take a broad-based view of issues and events; both short and longterm impacts
Other desirable characteristics:
• Experience of transport or major infrastructure projects Terms of appointment: T
he Chair is appointed for a minimum period of two years, renewable with the approval of Heathrow and CEB members.
The role requires an average of 2 days a week and will be supported by a secretariat/ technical advisor. T
he role is funded by the airport however the Chair is accountable to the CEB and has responsibility for independently managing the CEB resources and budget.
Posted: Tuesday, December 19th, 2017. Filed in General News, News about Airports, Recent News.