Heathrow consultation starts – trying to cover up the devastating impacts the 3rd runway would have, in so many ways…
Date added: 18 June, 2019
The main Heathrow consultation – before the DCO consultation – on its proposed 3rd runway has opened. It closes on 13th September. It is a massive consultation, with dozens and dozens of long documents – making it impossible, in reality, for a layperson to read. Below are links to the key documents. Heathrow says it is proposing “tough new measures to reduce emissions”. It proposes a slight increase in the amount of time when scheduled flights are not allowed at night – just 6.5 hours (that does NOT include planes that take off late….) so little change there. This is a statutory consultation (the earlier ones were not) and Heathrow says it “will inform the airport’s Development Consent Order (DCO) application, which is expected to be submitted next year.” There will be 43 consultation events to be held during the 12-week consultation period. Heathrow says its “expansion will be privately financed and costs will not fall on the taxpayer.” It will be interesting to see how they pay for the work to bridge the M25, paying for it all themselves. There is no information on flight paths, as those will not be decided upon until perhaps 2023. They use only indicative flight paths. There expected to be more flights, even before the runway is built, by 2022.
The consultation:
The consultation can be found at https://aec.heathrowconsultation.com/
Links to the vast number of documents can be found at
Click on a collection below to view all relevant documents.
The consultation events can be found at
Heathrow says:
In this consultation we are seeking feedback on:
Your feedback will help us to further refine our proposals before we submit our application for a DCO, planned for 2020.
This consultation is a statutory consultation being carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act 2008 and associated legislation and guidance. It is an important part of the planning process that applies to the Project. More information about the planning process can be found below and in the How do we obtain approval to expand Heathrow document.
For the flight paths for our three-runway airport, we are following the Civil Aviation Authority’s Airspace Change Process. This requires us to carry out ongoing airspace design work and stakeholder engagement to develop our flight path options.We are not consulting on airspace change as part of this consultation. For more information, please see our Airspace change page.
Before you start your response please visit “How to respond“.
Heathrow reveals masterplan for expansion with launch of its largest consultation
18th June 2019 (consultation ends 13th September)
Heathrow’s press release below

- Heathrow today unveils its preferred masterplan for expansion
- Details of tough new measures to reduce emissions revealed, as well as our preferred plans for noise respite and proposed ban on scheduled night flights
- This statutory consultation is the next major milestone for the expansion proposals, and Heathrow’s most innovative and largest consultation to date
- It follows Heathrow’s Airspace and Future Operations Consultation held earlier this year and will inform the airport’s Development Consent Order (DCO) application, which is expected to be submitted next year.
Today, Heathrow launches its 12-week statutory consultation on expansion, the latest milestone in delivering this critical national infrastructure project, as the preferred masterplan for the project is unveiled.The Airport Expansion Consultation runs from 18th June until 13th September 2019 and gives the public the opportunity to provide feedback on Heathrow’s proposals for the future layout of the airport, including the new runway and other airport infrastructure such as terminals and road access. The public will also be able to have their say on plans to manage the environmental impacts of expansion, including a proposed Heathrow Ultra Low Emissions Zone, Heathrow Vehicle Access Charge and a proposed 6.5-hour ban on scheduled night flights.The Airport Expansion Consultation also reveals plans for the airport’s growth in phases – from runway opening in approximately 2026, to the end masterplan in approximately 2050. This incremental growth will mirror the forecasted growth in passengers and help airport charges remain close to 2016 levels, delivering more affordable fares for passengers.In addition, the consultation is seeking feedback on:
- Plans to operate the future airport: how the future three runway airport will be operated, including important elements such as night flights, as well as how potential additional flights before the new runway opens could be operated on our existing two runways;
- Assessment of impacts of the airport’s growth: Heathrow’s preliminary assessment of the likely impacts of expansion on the environment and local communities;
- Plans to manage the impacts of expansion: Heathrow will set out the airport’s plans for mitigating the effects of expansion, including property compensation, Noise Insulation Policy, a Community Fund, and plans to mitigate against environmental effects including new measures to reduce congestion and emissions and a ban on scheduled flights at night.
The plans revealed in this consultation incorporate the extensive feedback gathered from the airport’s first public consultation on expansion, which took place from January to March 2018, and the Airspace and Future Operations Consultation held from January to March 2019, as well as from continuous engagement with local communities, local authorities, airlines, environmental stakeholders and other interested parties.
Responses to this consultation will inform Heathrow’s application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) – the planning consent required for the project – which is expected to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Transport next year.
The consultation will be Heathrow’s largest and most innovative public consultation to date, with 43 consultation events to be held during the 12-week period. As part of this consultation, a website will also be available with all the information about Heathrow’s proposals, videos to help explain the plans, and an online feedback form to assist as many people as possible to participate and have their say.
Hard copy consultation documents will be available to view in 42 different locations across local communities.
Heathrow has also invested in new technology to bring the plans to life, including a physical model of the future airport which features augmented reality, sound booths to demonstrate the effect of noise insulation on properties overflown by aircraft, and a CGI fly through video.
Emma Gilthorpe, Heathrow’s Executive Director for Expansion, urges local people to participate in the consultation, saying:“Expansion must not come at any cost.
“That is why we have been working with partners at the airport, in local communities and in Government to ensure our plans show how we can grow sustainably and responsibly – with environmental considerations at the heart of expansion. This consultation is an opportunity for people to have their say on our preferred masterplan, so it’s really important that as many people as possible take part. We look forward to hearing your views.”
Notes to editors:
1. The consultation opens on 18th June 2019 and feedback can be submitted from this date. The deadline for responding to the consultation is 11.55pm on 13th September 2019. Feedback can be submitted in a number of ways:
2. Throughout the Airport Expansion Consultation, Heathrow will be holding 43 open consultation events where people will be able to learn about our plans, ask questions, and provide us with their feedback. Details of the dates, times and locations of consultation events can be found on this website: www.heathrowconsultation.com
3. On 25th June 2018, MPs voted to approve the Airports National Policy Statement, which provides policy support for Heathrow expansion, by 415 in favour to 119 against – a majority of 296 votes which provided the airport with a clear mandate to proceed.
4. Heathrow expansion will be privately financed and costs will not fall on the taxpayer. The airport’s investors are supportive of this crucial project which will form part of the key trading infrastructure Britain will need to succeed post-Brexit.
5. Following the conclusion of this consultation and after feedback has been incorporated, Heathrow will submit a final proposal to the Secretary of State for Transport in 2020, kickstarting its approvals process.
The decision on whether to grant the DCO will be made by the Secretary of State following a public examination period.
For any queries, members of the public can contact info@heathrowconsultation.com
Night flights:
On night flights, this document on noise states:
“Heathrow is consulting on a night flight management regime including a 6.5 hour ban on scheduled night flights and exploring how this can be delivered to maximise respite for communities close to the runways between 2300 and 0700”
On carbon emissions, this document states:
9.6.9 Current baseline GHG emissions have been estimated at 20.8 million tonnes of CO2e (MtCO2e). Air transport accounts for over 95% of Heathrow’s GHG emissions followed by surface access transport at 3%. Table 9.7 presents Heathrow’s baseline GHG emissions by sub-aspect and includes published results for 2015 and 2016 for context, noting that not all activities were reported in these earlier years: the additional activity included is the air transport CCD phase (which is 90% of the 2017 footprint).
“Heathrow’s carbon neutral growth aspiration means that growth in CO2 emissions27 from additional flights after expansion would be offset through carbon credits, resulting in no net growth in emissions. This aspiration also applies to GHG emissions from ground transportation for passengers and colleagues and the embodied carbon that would result from construction of the DCO Project.”
…. and there is much, much more…
Realigning the M25
M25 Realignment [there is no mention of cost – conveniently]…
2.8.3 In order to accommodate the new runway, which would run across the existing alignment, the M25 would need to be lowered and realigned between Junction 14 (J14) and Junction 15 (J15).
2.8.4 The new route would run up to a maximum of 150m to the west of its existing motorway over a length of 2km. The main carriageway would comprise four lanes in each direction and would be built off-line to minimise disruption to the existing M25 during construction.
2.8.5 There would also be new northbound and southbound ‘collector-distributor’ roads running parallel with the main carriageway, which would link J14 and J15 and also link to Junction 14A.
2.8.6 The vertical profile of the proposed new section of the M25 would be lowered below the existing carriageway to allow it to pass under the proposed new runway in tunnels.
2.8.7 The preferred layout for the proposed M25 realignment is shown in Graphic 2.4.
17 June 2019
By the No 3rd Runway Coalition
Heathrow Airport will tomorrow (18 June) launch their statutory consultation on their masterplan for expansion.
The consultation will set out the detail of the proposals to build a new runway and associated airport infrastructure including new terminals and roads. It will also include information about night flights and how a 3-runway airport will operate, including the proposed additional 25,000 flights before a 3rd runway even opens.
The consultation is expected to set out Heathrow’s assessment of the impacts of expansion on local communities and the environment – as well their plans to mitigate these impacts.
Ahead of the consultation, Paul Beckford from the No 3rd Runway Coalition, the leading campaign organisation opposing the expansion of Heathrow, said:
“Heathrow will claim this is the largest consultation ever and that may well be right. However, this simply reflects the sheer scale of the impact that their expansion plans will have on local communities.
“Our communities will be destroyed by these expansion proposals, with 783 homes demolished and another 3,000 homes rendered unliveable owing to the construction and pollution. 2 million more people will be exposed to aircraft noise at levels that have a detrimental impact on health and millions will be exposed to significant increases in air pollution from vehicles accessing the airport as well as the 700 additional planes in the skies every single day.
“Incredibly, it now appears that Heathrow want to be spread the misery of their expansion plans over a 30-year period, inflicting the blight of construction and the resultant increases in air and noise pollution on communities across London for decades.
“Every community across London and the Home Counties will experience the impacts of these proposals, and we urge anyone concerned about the expansion to state their objections loudly and clearly in their responses to the consultation.”
For more information, contact:
Rob Barnstone, 07806947050, rob@no3rdrunwaycoalition.co.uk
Paul Beckford, 07775593928, paul@no3rdrunwaycoalition.co.uk
Just under the Environment section, there are a vast number of documents, some several hundred pages long:
PEIR means Preliminary Environmental Information Report
Documents/Pages in this collection
Posted: Tuesday, June 18th, 2019. Filed in Climate Change News, General News, News about Airports, Noise News, Recent News.