South East London community group Plane Hell Action South East (PHASE) join the No 3rd Runway Coalition
The South East London community group Plane Hell Action South East (PHASE) have joined the No 3rdRunway Coalition. This follows the recent addition of the London Borough of Southwark to the Coalition’s membership and reflects the increasing concern in communities across London about the impacts of Heathrow expansion. PHASE is campaigning against concentrated flight paths over South East London, an area that would suffer far worse aircraft noise if there was ever a 3rd runway. These flight paths will be concentrated, creating what the CAA has described as noise canyons, over local communities. Research by Greenpeace suggests that as many as 1.6 million people could be left enduring nearly constant noise from aircraft, with a 3rd runway. Bridget Bell, of PHASE said: “…plane noise and emissions affect South East Londoners badly, over 18 miles from Heathrow. City Airport flight paths cross under those to Heathrow. The result for many of us is double overflight; or cross-over flight which arises when planes to one airport stop and planes to the other start, giving the overflown no let-up of any sort.”
30th May 2019 (No 3rd Runway Coalition)
Today the South East London community group Plane Hell Action South East (PHASE) have joined the No 3rdRunway Coalition. (1)
This follows the recent addition of the London Borough of Southwark (2) to the Coalition’s membership and reflects the increasing concern in communities across London about the impacts of Heathrow expansion.
PHASE is campaigning against concentrated flight paths over South East London. The Coalition is the largest grouping opposing Heathrow expansion, with many councils involved, many MPs, as well as NGOs, local groups and individuals.
The proposed expansion of Heathrow will include many new flight paths bringing more aircraft noise to areas of South London. These flight paths are already concentrated and more will what the CAA has described as noise canyons, over local communities.
Research released recently by Greenpeace suggests that as many as 1.6 million people could be left enduring constant noise from aircraft. (3)
A large number of MPs from South London such as Helen Hayes, Ellie Reeves, Janet Daby, Sarah Jones, Steve Reed, Rosena Allin-Khan, Marsha De Cordova, Clive Efford, Teresa Pearce Matthew Pennycook, Justine Greening, Zac Goldsmith, Tom Brake and Sir Vince Cable all voted against Heathrow expansion in a vote in Parliament in 2018. (4)
Bridget Bell, Plane Hell Action, said:
“We are glad of this opportunity to highlight the fact that plane noise and emissions affect South East Londoners badly, over 18 miles from Heathrow. City Airport flight paths cross under those to Heathrow. The result for many of us is double overflight; or cross-over flight which arises when planes to one airport stop and planes to the other start, giving the overflown no let-up of any sort.”
Paul McGuinness, Chair, No 3rd Runway Coalition said:
“We are delighted to welcome Plane Hell Action into the Coalition. Their decision to join us despite being so far away from Heathrow, demonstrates the vast impact of the airport’s current operations. The impact of Heathrow will only increase if expansion goes ahead and will leave no community in London untouched by the noise and air pollution caused by Heathrow.
“Many communities in South East London will be exposed to significant increases in noise from aircraft which will be especially disturbing for those areas not currently overflown. The extra 700 planes a day in our skies will also mean serious reductions in any respite from noise that communities who are overflown currently receive.”
See also:
Residents Speak: Life under a flight path:
More about Plane Hell Action SE:
PLANE HELL ACTION – Campaigning for Relief from Plane Hell over South East London
Their website at says:
Plane Hell Action South East – PHASE – is campaigning against concentrated flight paths over South East London.
We want to ensure that the wellbeing of residents in South East London becomes a No 1 Priority for our politicians and government.
Anyone living under a flight path will tell you one thing: it’s plane hell. For residents of Camberwell, Oval, Kennington, Brockwell, Stockwell, Dulwich and many other areas in South London it’s fast becoming a nightmare. It’s time for action. We want the wellbeing of people on the ground to be recognized. All too often we hear about how people using airports and planes must have better facilities and comforts. But what about us poor residents in our homes who are trying to have productive lives while surrounded by noise and irritation from these flying monsters? Do we benefit from their presence in our airspace? No, far from it – they are destroying our lives, making things difficult to achieve, stopping us from working, thinking, sleeping or playing.
What is all this noise about? Why do we tolerate it? Lets get rid of it!
Plane Hell Action is an extension of the Camberwell-based campaign known as Plane Hell where in 2016 local residents noticed an increase in the number of planes flying over a particular part of Camberwell, almost without a break, and starting as early as 4.30am.
Plane Hell Action SE aims to …..
- Make the wellbeing of residents affected by flight paths to Heathrow and London City Airports a top priority for the government.
- Enable residents to achieve at least 7 hours sleep, the minimum recommended by WHO (World Health Organisation) for good health, and ban all flights between 11pm – 6am (better still 7am).
- Ensure any remaining night routes avoid populated areas to mitigate the impact of aircraft noise.
- Keep aircraft higher for longer by utilising Continuous Descent Approaches which reduce noise because they require less engine thrust.
- An end to flight path concentration over residential areas.
- Stop the impact on mental and physical health caused by aircraft noise and aircraft pollution flying low over residential areas and keep planes above 6000 feet.
- Ensure aircraft noise reduction for all flights under 6000 feet.
To find out more, please contact Plane Hell Action South East here.