Tower Hamlets Mayor’s letter to London City Airport consultation, opposing changes that will negatively impact residents
The Mayor Tower Hamlets, John Biggs, has sent a letter to the London City Airport consultation, to express his concerns about the airport’s expansion plans. This is in addition to the more detailed response sent by the council itself. Mr Biggs says: …”the negative impacts of increasing flights at LCA would be unacceptable in terms of increasing noise levels and exacerbating climate change. The level of noise coming from aircraft needs to be tightly regulated and we believe lower thresholds for disturbance need to put in place. … To protect residents from noise disruption LCA must retain the current 24 hour closure of the airport at weekends between 12.30pm Saturday – 12.30pm Sunday to provide respite for our residents from the noise. To limit the level of disturbance caused to our residents the restrictions on early morning, late night and weekend flights should also be retained, …In Tower Hamlets we have declared a climate emergency and 40% of our residents live in areas with unacceptable levels of air quality. I would like to see further commitments by the airport on its plans to limit the amount of emissions from airport operations.” See the full letter.
Executive Mayor’s Office
Tower Hamlets Town Hall
Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG
Contact: Marilyn Chitolie
Tel: 020 7364 6551
15 October 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
London City Airport – Draft Masterplan 2020-2035
This is my statement as Executive Mayor to the London City Airport (LCA) Masterplan Draft consultation. While the attached formal council response is a fuller more technical reply this sets out the key points I would like to raise on behalf of my residents and should be read in conjunction with the fuller reply.
As the airport is situated in close proximity to densely populated areas any expansion needs to carefully consider the impact of noise and pollution levels on residents. I recognise the economic benefits that LCA brings to our borough, however I have concerns about the proposals in the Masterplan.
As a council our position remains aligned to previous representations that the negative impacts of increasing flights at LCA would be unacceptable in terms of increasing noise levels and exacerbating climate change. The level of noise coming from aircraft needs to be tightly regulated and we believe lower thresholds for disturbance need to put in place.
LCA brings benefits to Tower Hamlets however the central reason behind these proposals seems to be a plan to change the business model of the airport from one focussed on business flights to one aimed at flights for leisure. The current permitted flight numbers are already in excess of used flight numbers so there is not a capacity issue at present. These proposals are about shifting the business model of the airport and this would mean more flights at weekends.
To protect residents from noise disruption LCA must retain the current 24 hour closure of the airport at weekends between 12.30pm Saturday – 12.30pm Sunday to provide respite for our residents from the noise. To limit the level of disturbance caused to our residents the restrictions on early morning, late night and weekend flights should also be retained, so I oppose proposals to increase this by half an hour either side of the day. I also think there should be a review of the number of properties and areas falling within London City Airport’s Sound Insulation Scheme.
In Tower Hamlets we have declared a climate emergency and 40% of our residents live in areas with unacceptable levels of air quality. I would like to see further commitments by the airport on its plans to limit the amount of emissions from airport operations.
The current plans bank on future technological improvements to reduce aircraft noise and emissions but until these come in would leave my residents facing years of disruption and negative impacts to their health.
I would also urge City Airport to adopt a social value framework to ensure residents benefit.
The consultation itself is rather technical and while I welcomed the extension of the consultation period there was only one engagement event in Tower Hamlets which took place in Mile End.
I think further consultation work should take place particularly with a focus on Bow, Poplar and Isle of Dogs which are under the flight paths.
I will be sharing this response publicly so residents are aware of the representations I have made.
Please continue to update me on the consultation process.
Yours Sincerely
John Biggs
Executive Mayor of Tower Hamlets