Viterbo – the 3rd Rome airport that is not going to happen

Note from a local resident in the area, involved in opposing the airport:  The Viterbo committee put messages out nearly every day, countering the presumption that there will be a new Viterbo airport for Rome.  The idea of Viterbo airport is a scam to keep the people of Ciampino quiet, including the mayors of two municipalities on the flight path, because it makes it look as if something is being done about the problem there, namely three times the traffic allowed for the airport.  The authorities are saying “Look, we are doing something about overuse of this airport.  When Viterbo airport is finished the air traffic will go there.”  But there isn’t even a decent train line to Rome from VT and the whole operation would cost money that no govt has at the moment.



Here finally is an explanation that sounds likely.

Rome has two airports: Fiumicino and Ciampino (low cost and charter); Viterbo is planned as third Rome airport to take the pressure off Ciampino which is operating at three times the approved traffic.

Viterbo is a handy invention to make it look as if something is going to be done about the illegal situation at Ciampino.

The campaigners want no more commercial or low cost flights.  The campaigners say No to  Minister Passera’s “plan” for Ciampino

Comitato per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale dell’aeroporto di Ciampino

What is happening with the Rome airports?

A confused picture, which will not solve the extreme pollution caused by Ciampino airport, emerges from indiscretions about the  Piano Nazionale degli Aeroporti.

(Ciampino) – «We were awaiting the  Piano Nazionale degli Aeroporti of the Ministry for Transport, trusting that it would contain serious measures to solve the problem Ciampino, but indiscretions in the press indicate that Minister Passera’s Plan is nothing but the disputable plan of ENAC and its consultants, which cannot solve the environmental and health emergency caused by air traffic at Ciampino» claims the  Comitato per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale dell’aeroporto di Ciampino.

«From leading newspapers we learn that the Plan considers  Ciampino a City-airport for national flights.

This in itself is difficult to understand. The other disquieting question is that the Plan again/still includes the non-existent airport of Viterbo, which among many doubts, “one day” is meant to take the low-cost flights from Ciampino.

This is contrary to all evidence as well as the sentence of the Court of Accounts, because as everyone knows, there is no money for a new airport and for upgrading road and rail connections between Viterbo and Rome.  Who do they think they are fooling?».




The operation of the illegal and senseless harmful and destructive mega-airport that would  irreversibly devastate valuable natural area, archaeological and spa Bulicame and greatly damaged the health and rights population of Viterbo, has failed miserably but the speculative and destructive lobby of attila with wings does not seem to give up, and are even back with another operation.

The local media report that the City of Viterbo have signed an agreement with ENAC and Selex Sistemi Integrati (A Finmeccanica company) “to evaluate the possibility ‘of
achieving … an experimental demonstration center in which to place electronic equipment for air traffic management to display and test to international clients,” a center which would
impact on the same precious natural area, archaeological and thermal Viterbo, and that the intention of the promoters is to support of the infamous shooting affaristiche maneuvers used for the harmful and destructive. mega-airport

A Berlusconi municipality  in deep crisis, all discredited prey to hungry power struggles  and is used in any case, to conclude its mandate in a short time, would impose authority of ‘a city’ unaware another decision unacceptable.

The “Selex Sistemi Integrati ‘and’ the firm over to the honor of chronicles months ago for a very serious matter (known as the bribery scandal of Finmeccanica) in which the criminal courts had to intervent.

Not to mention the other serious events involving ENAC.   In this situation, the municipality of Viterbo would be better to refrain from taking damaging actions without the knowledge – of the population.
We ask therefore:
1. that the City immediately withdraw from any agreement has defined by ENAC and Selex;
2. that this story is to make the necessary checks and that there is open democratic public debate, and citizens and the city council are kept well informed i

No more adventurous operations and maneuvers that are not transparent.
No more foolish and irresponsible decisions.
Enough harmful and destructive works .
Enough provocations and incursions of the lobbying and speculating for this
devastating, foolish and illegal mega-airport

The committee is opposed to the mega-airport in Viterbo and is committed to
the reduction of air transport, health protection, environment, democracy, the rights of all.


In Italian:


Fallita miseramente l’operazione illecita e insensata del
mega-aeroporto nocivo e distruttivo che avrebbe devastato
irreversibilmente la preziosa area naturalistica, archeologica e
termale del Bulicame e danneggiato enormemente la salute e i diritti
della popolazione viterbese, la lobby speculativa e devastatrice degli
attila con le ali sembra non voler demordere, ed anzi torna alla
carica con un’altra operazione.
Riferiscono i mezzi d’informazione locali che il Comune di Viterbo
avrebbe sottoscritto un accordo con Enac e Selex Sistemi Integrati
(azienda di Finmeccanica) “per valutare la possibilita’ di
realizzare… un centro dimostrativo sperimentale in cui collocare
apparati elettronici per la gestione del traffico aereo da mostrare e
far testare alla clientela internazionale”, centro che andrebbe a
impattare sulla stessa preziosa area naturalistica, archeologica e
termale di Viterbo, e che nelle intenzioni dei promotori sarebbe a
supporto della scellerata ripresa di manovre affaristiche in pro del
mega-aeroporto nocivo e distruttivo.
Un’amministrazione comunale berlusconiana in profonda crisi, del tutto
screditata, preda di fameliche lotte di potere intestine, e destinata
in ogni caso a concludere il suo mandato tra poco tempo, vorrebbe
imporre d’autorita’ a una citta’ ignara un’altra decisione
La “Selex Sistemi Integrati” e’ l’impresa finita agli onori delle
cronache mesi addietro per una gravissima vicenda (nota come lo
scandalo delle tangenti di Finmeccanica) su cui e’ dovuta intervenire
la magistratura penale.
Per non dire delle altre gravi vicende che coinvolgono l’Enac.
In questa situazione l’amministrazione comunale di Viterbo bene
farebbe ad astenersi dal prendere iniziative all’insaputa – e ai danni
– della popolazione.
Chiediamo quindi:
1. che il Comune receda immediatamente da qualunque accordo abbia
definito con Enac e Selex;
2. che su questa vicenda si proceda alle necessarie verifiche e che si
apra una discussione pubblica, democratica e adeguatamente informata
in consiglio comunale e tra la cittadinanza.
Basta con le operazioni avventurose e le manovre non trasparenti.
Basta con le decisioni insipienti ed irresponsabili.
Basta con le opere nocive e distruttive.
Basta con le provocazioni e le incursioni della lobby speculativa e
devastatrice del mega-aeroporto insensato e illegale.

Il comitato che si oppone al mega-aeroporto di Viterbo e s’impegna per
la riduzione del trasporto aereo, in difesa della salute,
dell’ambiente, della democrazia, dei diritti di tutti

Viterbo, 21 settembre 2012

Per informazioni e contatti: e-mail:, sito:, recapito postale: c/o Centro di ricerca per
la pace, strada S. Barbara 9/E, 01100 Viterbo


Building of a new, large airport at Viterbo (near Rome) will not happen

The Viterbo Air Force Base, some 40 miles north west of Rome, near the small town of Viterbo, was chosen, by the Italian Transport Ministry, in 2007 to be a new, huge airport, to relieve pressure on the two Rome Airports, Ciampino and Fiumicino. It now appears that the Italian Director General for Airports, and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport have said, in recent public statements, that this airport project will now not happen.  There have been strong arguments against the building of this airport, by distinguished scientists, judges, academics from several universities, many social movements and environmental and human rights groups.  The government officials now agree it would be harmful and destructive, misguided and illegal.

This airport has never even reached the drawing board and that was the reason for the methods the Viterbo committee used. We are not yet clear if there has been a definite  announcement that it won’t happen.  It could be the committee jumping the gun.  There have been years of contradictory news about this airport, and the campaigners have heroically held up the opposition. 
July 27, 2012

Wikipedia on Viterbo airport:

Rome Viterbo Airport (Italian: Aeroporto di Roma-Viterbo (ICAO: LIRV) is a proposed re-use of Viterbo Air Force Base, a civilian,commercial and military airport about 80 kilometers north of Rome, Italy.

Originally opened as a military airport in 1936, the airfield was dedicated to Tommaso Fabbri and is situated 3 km northwest of the town of Viterbo in the Lazio region.

On November 26, 2007, Italian transport minister Alessandro Bianchi announced that Viterbo had been chosen by the Italian Ministry of Transport as the site of the next Airport to serve Rome, alongside Leonardo da Vinci Airport, and Rome Ciampino Airport. It was chosen over alternative sites in Latina, Frosinone, and Guidonia.

In October, 2008, proposed operator, Aeroporti di Roma (ADR), signed a concession agreement with Italy’s civil aviation authority,Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile (ENAC).