Issues in a nutshell
“Love Miles”
visit friends or relatives abroad) see Tahmina Anam’s piece in Guardian Comment
– and the many, many comments it generated.
“I’m trying hard to be eco-friendly. But please don’t ask me to give up flying
to visit my family”
to visit my family”
apart, no other way to make it OK that our lives happen in each other’s absence,
than to allow ourselves the promise of regular visits.” (Guardian Comment)
Aviation and Noise
Heard it:
Aircraft Noise 71% had heard it
Traffic Noise 84% ” ”
Bothered, annoyed or disturbed by it:
Aircraft Noise 20% bothered to some extent
Traffic Noise 40% ” ” ”
Neighbour/neighbourhood Noise 37% ” ” “
Neighbour/neighbourhood Noise 19% ” ” ”
Neighbour/neighbourhood Noise 2% ” ” ”
Establishment (BRE) for DEFRA – the most comprehensive study of recent years.
Individual planes have become considerably quieter since the 1970s but this has
been off-set by the huge growth in aircraft numbers – causing more noise in total.
been off-set by the huge growth in aircraft numbers – causing more noise in total.
the noise problems will become worse. The ‘silent plane’ still remains no more
than a gleam in the researcher’s eye.
Complaining about noisy and off-track aircraft:
you can complain to your local airport management (check who is the appropriate
manager to write to).
Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DR
Wharf House, 2 Broken Wharf, London EC4V 3DT
complain about, how to complain, and what happens when you complain. It is focused
on Stansted, but the information is more generally relevant.
(Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign) website at
Air Quality at and Around Airports
all contribute to a build up of potentially harmful gases such as oxides of nitrogen,
carbon monoxide, VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and ozone. They also produce
small particulates.
The most important pollutants are usually nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and small particulates
(PM10, PM2.5). These often breach standards set by the UK government and the EU
to protect human health.
(PM10, PM2.5). These often breach standards set by the UK government and the EU
to protect human health.
Aviation and the economy
“Surely we need flying for the economy?”
the Government suggest
The Government’s estimate of aviation’s contribution to the economy is based
on a report largely paid for by the aviation industry. The report, The Contribution
of Aviation to the UK Economy was carried out by consultants Oxford Economic Forecasting
in 1999 with an update in 2006.
• The report ignored the tax-breaks the industry receives through tax-free fuel
and being zero-rated for VAT – worth at least £9 billion a year.
• Nor did it factor into its calculations the huge cost aviation imposes on society
and the environment, which are estimated to be around £16 billion a year.
• And it skated over the point that UK air tourists take more money out than
foreign visitors bring in –
There is a “tourism deficit” to the UK economy – estimated at around £17 billion
per year.
per year.
aviation expansion would create.
Government Aviation Policy
country has ever seen
2030. It expected to see a near trebling in the number of passengers using UK
airports. To cater for this, it argued that the country would require up to 5
new runways, plus "full use" made of the existing runways at virtually the airports
in the country. If this went ahead, it would be the biggest single programme
of airport expansion this country has ever seen. In its ‘Progress Report’ on
its White Paper, published in December, the Government confirmed the key policies
set out in 2003
UK Air Passenger Demand and CO2 Forecasts – November 2007
forecasts for passenger demand in Nov 2007. The forecasts are for the
carbon dioxide forecasts published in 2004. The figures anticipate passenger
numbers in the UK rising from 228 million in 2005, to 270 million in 2010, to
325 million in 2015, 480 million in 2030 and around 580 million in 2050.
Carbon offsetting for your flight – does it work?
people buying carbon offsets to try and compensate for the carbon dioxide produced
from their flights, the effectiveness and justification for these offsets is increasingly
being questioned. The Observer article discusses the problems.
The Observer – Carbon offsetting Ripoff?
planting can take a century to remove the CO2 from the atmosphere, making them
very ineffective as a meals of reducing the climate changing effect of emissions.
Offsetting your carbon footprint takes decades
website. As it helpfully says:
When you cheat on your partner you add to the heartbreak, pain and jealousy in
the atmosphere.
NOT cheat. This neutralises the pain and unhappy emotion and leaves you with a
clear conscience.”
The aviation industry’s advertising ………..
IATA – mastery of greenwash – The IATA adverts
adverts, which appear in in-flight magazines and in other media. The aim is to
tell people how green flying is, how the aviation industry is trying very hard
to reduce emissions, and how flying really is wonderful. Their solutions to
the carbon emissions problem range from reducing the number of ice cubes on board
planes, blaming cows, flying in straight lines, to keeping the planes clean.
“But people love air travel, and we don’t want to stop the poor from flying !”
Surveys show most people would be prepared to pay more to fly for the sake of
the environment
the environment
likely to be the ones who live under flight paths and near the busy feeder roads.
• ‘Choice’ can be deceptive. Often the real reason for ‘choosing’ the plane is
because ‘everyone else does’, or because we’re unaware of alternatives.
• It would be physically impossible for the whole world to fly as much as the
UK currently does. Yet climate change will hurt the part of the world whose people
fly the least. There is a real question of justice here.